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dc.contributor.authorGUSTYNINGRUM, Weny Dwi Putri
dc.contributor.authorWIDODO, Joko
dc.contributor.authorZULIANTO, Mukhamad
dc.contributor.authorWAHYUNI, Sri
dc.contributor.authorKARTINI, Titin
dc.description.abstract. This study aims to describe the diversification strategy of catfish processed products at UD. Matrix Jaya, Jember Regency. This research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. The subject in this study was Owner UD. Matrix Jaya, while the research informants are employees and consumers of UD. Matrix Jaya. Data collection methods used are interview, observation and documentation. Data analysis methods used are the data reduction stage, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results of this study indicate that the Owner UD. Matrix Jaya applies a diversification strategy for catfish processed products to the businesses it manages. The implementation of the diversification strategy for catfish products includes product names, product categories, product compositions, product flavor variants and product packaging. Product diversification carried out by UD. Matrix Jaya is concentric diversification and horizontal diversification. Marketing conducted by UD. Matrix Jaya, namely online sales by utilizing existing technology. This Home Industry introduces its products through blog websites, social media, market places and is active in participating in SMEs exhibitions held in various citiesen_US
dc.publisherIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Scienceen_US
dc.subjectDiversification strategy of processed catfish products at UD. Matrix Jaya Jemberen_US
dc.titleDiversification strategy of processed catfish products at UD. Matrix Jaya Jemberen_US
dc.identifier.kodeprodiKODEPRODI0210301#Pendidikan Ekonomi

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