Effectiveness of Textbook With Brain-Based Learning Approach Accompanied by Mind Mapping of Earth Layer Material to Improve Learning Outcomes Critical Thinking Junior High School Student's
One of the 21 -century skills targeted in implementing the 2013 Science Textbook, Brain- Based Learning, Critical thinking curriculum is critical thinking skills. However, the facts in junior high school students' critical thinking skills are still low. An exciting and fun media is needed to improve critical thinking skills, namely a
textbook with a brain-based learning approach using mind mapping. This study aims to determine the textbook's effectiveness with a brain-based learning approach accompanied by mind mapping for critical
thinking. The design of the research used was one group pretestposttest design with three meetings. The results showed an increase in learning outcomes and critical thinking skills. The results can be seen from the N-gain value of the first meeting is 0.56, with "medium" criteria. The second meeting is 0.58, with the "medium" criteria, and the third meeting is 0.65, with the "medium" criteria.The mean result of critical thinking from the first meeting to the third meeting were 72.57, 76.57, and 80.29 with "good" criteria. So it can be concluded that textbooks with a brain-based learning approach effectively improve
learning outcomes and criticalthinking.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7356]