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dc.contributor.authorARYANI, Bhakti
dc.contributor.authorSOESETIJO, FX Ady
dc.contributor.authorNINGTYIAS, Farida Wahyu
dc.description.abstractThe Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) report can be a benchmark for determining the quality of a nation's Human Resources (HR) because the creation of a healthy, intelligent and quality future generation will start from the time when the baby is born to adulthood. In the last five years, namely 2014 to 2018, Tuban Health Department reported that the Infant Mortality Rate was still fluctuating. The IMR in 2014 was 186 cases, in 2015 there were 225 cases, in 2016 there were 219 cases, in 2017 there were 109 and in 2018 there were 158 cases. The success of development in the health sector is influenced by various aspects, one of which is the political aspect. The existence of policies, programs, implemented innovations, monitoring and evaluation will be several factors that influence the political aspect. Researchers conducted a policy analysis of reducing IMR at the Tuban Health Office Department using the Dunn method (1998). Forecasting data and recommendations are obtained through a questionnaire with 59 respondents and a recommendation questionnaire based on the criteria for effectiveness, efficiency, political feasibility, economic feasibility, and administrative feasibility that will be assessed by the main research respondents. The result was that there was a lack of effective communication between health workers who could be at risk of fluctuating IMRen_US
dc.publisherWorld Journal of Advance Healthcare Researchen_US
dc.subjectInfant Mortality Rateen_US
dc.subjectDunn Method (1998)en_US
dc.titleThe Analysis of Infant Mortality Rate (Imr) Reduction Policy in Tuban Health Departmenten_US
dc.identifier.kodeprodiKODEPRODI2110101#Kesehatan Masyarakat

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