The Development of Maritime-Based Educational Games for Mathematics Learning Media
This research was intended to develop the Android-based learning media on the
system of linear equations in three variables whose theme was maritime. The results of this
learning media development were reviewed based on the validity, practicality, and effectiveness.
The instruments used were the media validation sheets, material validation sheets, students'
responses questionnaires, and test scores on the students' learning outcomes. The learning media
testing was given to the students of grade X at SMK Negeri 4 Probolinggo. The results showed
that it was classified as the "excellent" category. The average scores of total validity obtained
were 4.43 out of 5 on the learning media experts; it was then into "very valid" category. This
learning media was considered very practical since the average score obtained on the students'
responses questionnaires was 4.49 out of 5. According to the test on the learning outcomes,
93.33% of the total number of students in grade X KTPI 1 scored ≥ 70 as the minimum scores.
Hence, it can be said that this learning media was effective. The conclusion drawn from the
research results revealed that maritime-themed educational games for mathematics learning
media were valid, practical and efficient
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7356]