Kadar Puncak (Cmax), Waktu Puncak (Tmax), Waktu Paruh (T½) dan Bersihan Teobromin pada Sukarelawan Sehat setelah Pemberian Dark Chocolate Bar Per Oral
SUWANDI, Nyoman Defriyana
ABRORI, Cholis
HASAN, Muhammad
Show full item recordAbstract
Dark chocolate contains two derivates of metilxantin, I.e. caffeine (1,3,7-trimetilxantin)
and theobromine (3,7 dimetilxantin). Theobromine can be found in plasma. Theobromine
concentration in plasma determined not only by drug dosage but also by
pharmacokinetic parameters. This research aimed to determine pharmacokinetic
parameters by using HPLC (High Performace Liquid Chromatography) method. This
study used Quasi Experimental Design by using 16 plasma samples collected at the 0,
1.5, 3, 6, 10, 24 hours. The pharmacokinetic parameter calculations were obtained from
the polynomial curve and linear curve of drug concentration in plasma by time. The
maximum concentration (Cmax) theobromine on plasma after consumption of dark
chocolate bar per oral was 4.173 mg/L. The maximum time (Tmax) was at the 2.501
hours. The half time (t½) theobromine was 4.880 hours. Theobromine clearance in
plasma was 14.2 ml/kg/hour. The study has reported pharmacokinetic parameters of
theobromine in plasma after eating dark chocolate bars orally
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7359]