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dc.contributor.authorTOBING, Diana Sulianti K
dc.contributor.authorFATHORRAZI, Moehammad
dc.contributor.authorWULANDARI, Gusti Ayu
dc.description.abstractGovernment in implementing policies dual banking system in fact is still unrealized, whereas considerable market potential with many established Islamic banks. One solution offered is a marketing system innovation in Islamic banking market floating base. The purpose of this study identifies spiritual and floating market behavior and determine the factors that influence the customer’s decision in choosing Islamic banks based on personal and social nature. The study population is Islamic bank customers located in the region of Jember, Bondowoso, Situbondo, and Banyuwangi with a sample of 200 people. The research method used logistic regression analysis. The results achieved are the majority of customers are female, in the productive age, and employees. The majority of customers are in a group associated with Islamic banks and conventional.en_US
dc.publisherJurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan (JKP)en_US
dc.subjectmarketing system informationen_US
dc.subjectfloating marketen_US
dc.subjectcustomer’s decisionen_US
dc.titleModel Inovasi Sistem Pemasaran Perbankan Syariah Berbasis Floating Market untuk Penciptaan Daya Saing (Model of Islamic Banking Marketing Innovation Systems Based on Floating Market for Creation Competitiveness)en_US
dc.identifier.nidnNIDN 0012127402

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