Notary Responsibility in Checking Halal Causa Requirements on Objects Promised
This research is motivated by there is a case of cancellation (null and void) of an authentic deed
made by a notary because it does not meet the halal causa requirements. This study aims to
analyze and find the form of liability of the Notary in halal causa requirements on the promised
object. The results of the study using the normative legal research with the statute
approach, conceptual approach, and comparative approach. The results of this study showed
that the form of legal liability of the Notary in examining halal causa requirements on the agreed
object, namely using the type of liability based on fault, because if halal causa requirements are not
fulfilled in the authentic deed which results in the deed being null and void, then it is mistakes of
Notaries as officials who are authorized to make and be responsible. At the end of this study, the
researcher also provided advice to the government to updated Law Number 2 of 2014 concerning
Amendments to Law Number 30 of 2004 concerning Notary Position by adding clauses related to
the Notary's obligation to check the legal terms of the agreement; as well as advice to the Notary to
be more careful, thorough, careful, not taking sides in checking halal causa requirements in the
object of the agreement.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7342]