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dc.contributor.authorHAMZAH, Salsabilla Maula Zalfa El
dc.contributor.authorSETYAWARDANI, Astuti
dc.contributor.authorSEMITA, I Nyoman
dc.contributor.authorAGUSTINA, Dini
dc.description.abstractBackground and purpose: Air quality is an important determinant of a healthy life. One indicator of air pollutants in processed with Saphiro-Wilk and Pearson correlation analysis using SPSS 25.0. the room is fungi, which in hospital setting may cause nosocomial Results: The ranges of room temperature and humidity were 29.6- infection. This research aims to find out a correlation between physical characteristics of the indoor environment toward the concentration of fungi in the inpatient rooms of dr. Soebandi Regional Hospital Jember, East Java. Methods: This research uses a cross-sectional method with a total of four inpatient rooms. We measured physical room characteristics including room temperature, humidity, light intensity, and room density. The concentration of fungi was measured by collecting air sample using passive air sampling method with a potato dextrose agar as the media to optimize the fungal growth. The data was 32.2°C and 41-59%, respectively; while the light intensity and room density were 10-30 and 1.88-2.38 person/10 m 2 . The bivariate analysis showed a correlation between two components of physical characteristic of the indoor environment, room temperature and room density, with the concentration of fungi. Conclusion: There is a correlation between room temperature and room density with the concentration of fungi in the inpatient rooms of dr. Soebandi Regional Hospital Jember. The management of hospitals should take measures to improve the air quality within inpatient rooms.en_US
dc.publisherPublic Health and Preventive Medicine Archive 2020; 8(1): 77-83en_US
dc.subjectnosocomial infectionsen_US
dc.subjectphysical characteristicsen_US
dc.subjectindoor environmenten_US
dc.titleCorrelation Between Physical Characteristics of the Indoor Environment toward the Concentration of Fungi in the Inpatient Rooms of dr. Soebandi Regional Hospital Jember, East Javaen_US
dc.identifier.kodeprodiKODEPRODI2010101#Pendidikan Dokter

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