Implementation of Control Policy of Tobacco Products for Health in District of Jember
The formulation of the Government Regulation Number 109 of 2012 which sets about
controlling materials containing addictive substances of tobacco products experienced many
challenges. The affirmative groups consider an attempt to increase the degree of public
health from the effects of carcinogens and addictive substances caused by smoking.
Meanwhile, the opposition groups focus more on tobacco farmers which are economically
affected. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to describe the implementation of such
policies in District of Jember as one of the centers of traditional tobacco and cigarettes
production in East Java.
This was a descriptive qualitative study with observational approach. The focus of this
study was on triangular analysis of the policy (actor, context, and content) on the
implementation of the policy of restrictions on addictive substances of tobacco products in
District of Jember which was done in 2013. The study informants consisted of the main
informants (tobacco farmers and cigarette manufacturers), key informants (District Health
Office of Jember and Department of Industry and Trade), and additional informants
(Jember’s District Legislative Board).
The implementation of control policy of materials containing addictive substances of
tobacco products has not yet running effectively. The policy context is still restricted on
tobacco production effort, not controlling of the effects of tobacco smoking. The content of
the policies is not yet well understood by traditional cigarette manufacturers in Jember.
Various obstacles faced at the central level made this policy run slowly. By the mandated of
decentralization, District of Jember actually allowed to produce a local level policy
regarding tobacco control to overcome the obstacles.
- LSP-Conference Proceeding [1876]