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dc.contributor.authorPURNOMO, Kosala Dwidja
dc.contributor.authorLARASATI, Indy
dc.contributor.authorAGUSTIN, Ika Hesti
dc.contributor.authorUBAIDILLAH, Firdaus
dc.description.abstractChaos game is a game of drawing a number of points in a geometric shape using certain rules that are repeated iteratively. Using those rules, a number of points generated and form some pattern. The original chaos game that apply to three vertices yields Sierpinski triangle pattern. Chaos game can be modified by varying a number of rules, such as compression ratio, vertices location, rotation, and many others. In previous studies, modification of chaos games rules have been made on triangles, pentagons, and n-facets. Modifications also made in the rule of random or nonrandom, vertex choosing, and so forth. In this paper we will discuss the chaos game of quadrilateral that are rotated by using an affine transformation with a predetermined compression ratio. Affine transformation is a transformation that uses a matrix to calculate the position of a new object. The compression ratio r used here is 2. It means that the distance of the formation point is 1/2 of the fulcrum, that is α = 1/r = 1/2. Variations of rotation on a square or a quadrilateral in chaos game are done by using several modifications to random and non-random rules with positive and negative angle variations. Finally, results of the formation points in chaos game will be analyzed whether they form a fractal object or not.en_US
dc.publisherCAUCHY –Jurnal Matematika Murni dan Aplikasi Volume 6(1) (2019), Pages 27-33en_US
dc.subjectchaos gameen_US
dc.subjectrotational variationen_US
dc.titleModification of Chaos Game with Rotational Variation on a Squareen_US

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