Effectiveness Analysis of the Pictorial Health Warning Policy on Cigarette Packs in Lowering the Smoking Behaviour Students of SMK in Jember District (Analisis Keefektifan Kebijakan Pictorial Health Warning pada Kemasan Rokok dalam Menurunkan Perilaku Merokok Siswa SMK se-Kabupaten Jember)
Background: Smoking is a major factor impacting on lunghealth. In cigarette smoke there are 4000 harmfull chemicalsfor health. Two of them are the addictive nature of nicotine andtar which are carcinogenic. The number of novice smokersprevalence in teenagers. But smoking at an early age willincrease risks to to health. The increased risk is what pushedthe Government to enforce Pictorial Health Warning policieson cigarette packs in 2014. Methods: The objectives of thisstudy was to analyze the effectiveness of the policy in loweringthe smoking behaviour in students of SMK in Jember District.This was descriptive study with SMK student population, studywas carried out in Februari to April 2015. Samples was 63student using random method.Results: As many as 53,96% from 63 students which areactive smokers. All students active smokers that know of anycreepy images on cigarette packs but only 70,58% of themknow that creepy images is the Government’s policy. As muchas 42,86% do not feel scared at the sight of the creepy images,either the first time or after it. 79,41% of active smokers do notfeel scared at the sight of creepy images on cigarette packs.Conclution:Pictorial Health Warning policy has not beenfully sociallized to the public, only a fraction of the active smokerswho feel scared at the sight of the picture has not yet beeneffectively raises the active smoker’s desire to quit smoking. Itis recommended that the Government lists of images that morecreepy and vary in order to evoke feelings of fear and disgustso that reduces the interest the student for smoking.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7300]