The Application of Class CGM Model on the Peanut Plants (Arachis Hypogaea L.)
The purpose of this research is to learn the working process of CGM model and to
compare the water content value of model simulation with field observation. This research
was done in the form of experiment. The parameters of the observation were the soil
physical observations, they are: the analysis of soil (soil texture), the analysis of bulk
density (BV), the measurement of soil water content (KA) every 10 days, and the
measurement of the thickness of the soil layer. The calculation of the model then compared
with the result of field measurements. The results showed that the texture of the soil layer 1
and layer 2: sandy clay loam and layer 3: sandy loam. The grafic comparison of simulated
soil water content (KA) and the observation indicates that the simulation model of water
content value (KA) increases the decline in value. Meanwhile the value of water content
observation of layer 1 is always over the water content of layer 2 and 3. This is influenced
by soil texture factor in each layer of the peanut plants land, because the texture of the soil
also determines a water system in the soil like infiltration rate, rainfall, and water binding
ability of the soil. Further research is necessary to observe the growth of plants as a result
of the water content of the soil and to compare with the results of a model simulations.
- LSP-Conference Proceeding [1877]