LSP-Conference Proceeding : [1874] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 341 to 360 of 1874
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-05-12The shifting medium class consumption behavior era pandemic covid-19 of Jember district's citizenSUKIDIN, Sukidin; KANTUN, Sri; SUHARSO, Pudjo
2022-04-05Production Single Cell Proteins Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Using Product Hydrolysis Jatropha Curcas Cernel Cake Fermentation by Aspergillus NigerBAROKAH, Anis; SISWANTO, Siswanto; MUZAKHAR, Kahar
2022-04-05Decompositon of Coffee Pulp Under Solid State Fermentation by Aspergillus VT12UBAIDILLAH, Syafiq; KURNIAWATI, Nur Halimah; WINARSA, Rudju; SISWANTO, Siswanto,; MUZAKHAR, Kahar
2019-02-28Sugar-Rich Hydrolyzates from Coffee Pulp Waste which Produced under Solid State Fermentation by Pestalotiosis sp. VM9 and Aspergillus sp. VTM5, and Its Efficiency as Medium for Single Cell Protein Saccharomyces cerevisiaeUBAIDILLAH, Syafiq; MUZAKHAR, Kahar
2020-11-16Efficiency of cellulase production using coffee pulp waste under solid state fermentation by Aspergillus sp. VT12ELIDA, Farah Salma; AZIZAH, Azizah; WIYONO, Hidayat Teguh; MUZAKHAR, Kahar
2020-11-16Utilization of coffee pulp as a substrate for pectinase production by Aspergillus sp. VTMS through solid state fermentationHIDAYAH, Atim A.; AZIZAH, Azizah; WINARSA, Rudju; MUZAKHAR, Kahar
2022-11-16Morphological and biochemical characteristic of endosymbiont cellulolytic bacteria from gut of Hypothenemus hampei Ferr. and its enzyme activityAZIZAH, Azizah; PURWATININGSIH, Purwatiningsih; WIYONO, Hidayat Teguh; MUZAKHAR, Kahar
2020-07-25Cellulase, Pectinase, and Xylanase Production by Listeria sp. ISH 16 using Coffee Pulp Waste MediumWASILAH, Ummi; MUZAKHAR, Kahar; PURWATININGSIH, Purwatiningsih
2021-05-04Cheap Cellulase Production by Aspergillus sp. VTM1 Through Solid State Fermentation of Coffee Pulp WasteRUSDIANTIA, Reni; A.AZIZAH, A. Azizah; UTARI, Esti; WIYONO, Hidayat Teguh; MUZAKHAR, Kahar
2021-05-04Preliminary Investigation of Cellulase Producer Candidate Isolate VT11 Using Coffee Pulp Waste Under Solid-State FermentationSUNARTO, Nabilah Ilmalah; A.AZIZAH, A. Azizah; UTARTI, Esti; WINARSA, Rudju; MUZAKHAR, Kahar
2019-04-29Decomposition of Coffe Pulp Polysaccharides By Aspergillus Niger Extraselluler EnzymeUBAIDILLAH, Syafiq; SISWANTO, Siswanto; MUZAKHAR, Kahar
2021-05-04Pectinase Production by Using Coffee Pulp Substrate as Carbon and Nitrogen SourceGASANI, Okta Novalia; A.AZIZAH, A. Azizah; SISWANTO, Siswanto; WINARSA, Rudju
2019-11-21The Potential Analysis of Cassava Production in The Framework of Food Security in Jember Regency, East Java, IndonesiaYULIATI, Lilis; ABD.NASIR, Abd. Nasir; SUBAGIARTA, I wayan
2019-11-03Analisis Daya Saing Komoditas Singkong Kabupaten Jember DI Jawa TimurYULIATI, Lilis; NASIR, M. Abd.; SUBAGIARTA, I Wayan
2015-11-25Evaluasi Kinerja Lembaga Keuangan Mikro Masyarakat (LkMM) Kabupaten JemberYULIATI, Lilis; PRIYONO, Teguh Hadi
2014-10-30Implementasi Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) dalam Peningkatan Produk Derivat Tebu dalam Menyongsong Asean Economic CommunityYULIATI, Lilis; WILANTARI, Regina Niken
2015-08-15Determinant of Cigarettes Consumption on Poor Households in Regency of Situbondo, IndonesiaKHAIR, Kifayatul; WARDHONO, Adhitya; YULIATI, Lilis; GUPRON, Mochammad Ridwan
2018-10-05Relationship of International Trade and Energy Consumption to Economic Growth in Indonesia 1980 – 2014SIDHARTA, Harris Eka; YULIATI, Lilis; PRIYONO, Teguh Hadi
2015-09-29Hydrolysis Profile of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch by An Extracellular Enzyme From Aspergillus nigerMUZAKHAR, Kahar; LATIFAH, Ainul; SUTOYO, Sutoyo; SISWOYO, Siswoyo; WINARSA, Rudju
2018-10-05The Development Strategy of Casava Production in Jember Regency: SWOT Analysis ApproachYULIATI, Lilis; SUBAGIARTA, I wayan
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 341 to 360 of 1874