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dc.contributor.authorHENY NOVITAYANTI
dc.description.abstractConsumption of food which fulfil nutrition necessaries, quality and quantity to cause the body will get optimum of nutritional status. Besides, poverty is obstacle of poor family to buy food is needed. The finally poor society haven’t a optimum nutritional status. On the contrary at non poor family. This research is more descriptive analytic, the data is gathered cross sectionally by children 2 until 5 years old in Lampeji’s village. The sample is research is 65 sample, that taken proportional random sampling, consist of 27 poor family children 2 until 5 years old and 38 non poor family children 2 until 5 years old. The data analysis is using Kolmogorof Smirnov test with α = 0,05 to know the consumption of food and nutritional status among poor family and non poor family children 2 until 5 years old. The result of this research showed that there was no significantly difference calory consumption (p= 0,697), protein consumption (p = 0, 864), carbohydrat consumption (p= 1,000), fat consumption (p= 1,000), BB/U index nutritional status (p= 0,809), TB/U index nutritional status (p= 1,000), BB/TB index nutritional status (p=1,000), and combined index nutritional status (p= 0,864) between poor family and non poor family children 2 until 5 years old in Lampeji’s village.en_US
dc.subjectconsumption of food, nutritional status children under 5 years, poor family, non poor familyen_US
dc.titlePERBEDAAN TINGKAT KONSUMSI DAN STATUS GIZI ANTARA BALITA GAKIN DAN NON GAKIN (Studi Di Desa Lampeji Kecamatan Mumbulsari Kabupaten Jember)en_US

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