Now showing items 121-140 of 12695

    • Implementasi Peran Ombudsman RI Perwakilan Provinsi Bali Dalam Pengawasan Pelayanan Publik DI Dinas Pupr Kota Denpasar 

      HELPIASTUTI, Selfi Budi; SUHARSONO, Agus; ASTITI, Luh Gede Dewi Sari (Jurnal Administrasi dan Kebijakan Publik, 2023-10-30)
      Public services in Indonesia are often in the spotlight in society, especially in maladministration actions carried out by public service providers. Such as an increase in reports of alleged maladministration received ...
    • Buku Ajar Keperawatan Medikal Bedah 1 

      KUMALASAR, Dian Novita; IFADAH, Erlin; DEWI, Fransiska Rosari; NURANI, Rahmawati Dian; AMINAH, Siti; RATNASARI, Pande Made Desy; PURWANTO, Cucuk Rahmadi; SUGIYONO, Sugiyono; AZIZAH, Laili Nur (SON PEDIA, 2024-02-01)
      Pada bab ini mahasiswa mempelajari konsep dasar teoritis dan sudut pandang keperawatan medikal bedah. Diharapkan mahasiswa memiliki wawasan dan pemahaman untuk modal dasar mempelajari keperawatan medikal bedah lebih lanjut
    • MSDM Sektor Publik 

      AHMAD, Daelami; WISUDAWATY, Priska; ZAHARI, Ahmad Farouq Mulku; RIZAL, Samsul; MOKODONGAN, Erna Ningsih; MASI, Reinaldis; SAFITRIANI, Indah; HELPIASTUTI, Selfi Budi; SASONGKO, Restu Widyo; KURNIASIH, Dedeh; TAWIL, Muhamad Risal (Widina, 2024-02-01)
      Dalam Dunia Global saat ini, menejemen sumber daya manusia merupakan salah satu instrumen penting bagi organisasi dalam mencapai Tujuannya
    • Stress Coping Strategies among Teachers at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah AlQomar Nganjuk during the Covid-19 Pandemic 

      FITRIA, Risma Udhia; NAFIKADINI, Iken; RIF’AH, Erwin Nur (Jurnal Promkes, 2023)
      COVID-19 pandemic has become a new source of stress among teachers. Education was originally carried out directly and has now changed to network-based (online), so it is not uncommon for teachers to experience work stress. ...
    • MSDM di Sektor Publik 

      AHMAD, Daelami; WISUDAWATY, Priska; ZAHARI, Ahmad Farouq Mulku; RIZAL, Samsul; MOKODONGAN, Erna Ningsih; MASI, Reinaldis; SAFITRIANI, Indah; HELPIASTUTI, Selfi Budi; SASONGKO, Restu Widyo; KURNIASIH, Dedeh; TAWIL, Muhamad Risal (Widina, 2024-03-16)
    • Manfaat Polifenol Kopi Robusta di Bidang Kedokteran Gigi 

      ERMAWATI, Tantin; RACHMAWATI, Dessy (Intimedia, 2024)
      Tanaman kopi merupakan komoditas ekspor unggulan yang dikembangkan di Indonesia dan memiliki nilai ekonomis yang cukup tinggi. Indonesia termasuk penghasil kopi terbesar dunia keempat setelah Brazil, karena hasil ...
    • Antibacterial Activity of Robusta Coffee (Coffea Canephora) Husk Extract Against Enterococcus Faecalis and Phorphyromonas Gingivalis: In Vitro Study 

      PRASETYA, Rendra Chriestedy; FATIMATUZZAHRO, Nadie; ERMAWATI, Tantin; KRISTINA, Shinta; PRABANINGRUM, Raden Rara Hanifa (TRENDS IN SCIENCES, 2024-03-01)
      Enterococcus faecalis is one of the bacteria that is commonly found in infected root canals, necrotic pulp and failure of root canal treatment, while Phorphyromonas gingivalis play a role in inducing periodontitis. Both ...
    • Digital Involvement in Driving Reading Habits in the Era of Smart Education 

      FARIDA, Ida; RUSIJONO, Rusijono; KARWANTO, Karwanto; ERNADA, Sus Eko Zuhri; AKBAR, Paisal (JGP International Conference, 2024-03-29)
      The current accelerated development of the world of education is increasingly leading to the involvement of digitalization in the learning process. This digital engagement is one of the supporting aspects towards ...
    • Darurat Sampah Plastik: Pelatihan Teknis Optimalisasi Sistem Bank Sampah Wilayah Pesisir Kabupaten Jember 

      NURIKA, Globila; INDRAYANI, Reny; SYAMILA, Ana Islamiyah; WIKURENDRA, Edza Aria (Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Pengabdian Dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, 2023-11-09)
      Tantangan permasalahan timbulan sampah di antaranya adalah ketersediaan infrastruktur berupa fasilitas pengumpulan dan pengelolaan sampah di lingkungan masyarakat. Salah satu bentuk pengurangan timbulan sampah sekaligus ...
    • Sekolah Asik Tanpa Plastik: Edutainment Dampak dan Pencegahan Mikroplastik di Lingkungan Sekolah 

      NURIKA, Globila; PUJIATI, Rahayu Sri; KHOIRON, Khoiron; IRBAH, Nafi’atul; AZIZAH, Qisma Farah; PUTRI, Sang Ayu Putu Ardya Pramesthi Reggina (Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas jember, 2023-08-23)
      Timbulan sampah di Indonesia mencapai 34.584.584,16 ton/tahun dengan 17,1% merupakan sampah plastik. Edukasi pengelolaan lingkungan pada anak sekolah dasar merupakan langkah awal yang tepat dalam memupuk rasa cinta lingkungan. ...
    • Patompes Stunting: Pelatihan Kader Posyandu sebagai Upaya Menurunkan Angka Stunting di Desa Sumberjambe Kabupaten Jember 

      NURIKA, Globila; ADI, Dhuha Itsnanisa; BAROYA, Ni’mal; KHINANTI, Citra Anggun; RAHMADDANI, Rafi Indra; FATIMA, Riham; LISTIANINGRUM, Meyhilda Putri Dwi; PUTRI, Etania Febry Kirana; QONITATILLAH, Qonitatillah; ASTININGSIH, Dwi Yuli; NAZIHA, Fikri; ROSYDAH, Shofiyah Nur; PUTRI, Aninda Dyah Hayu Pinasti; SARI, Novita; RAKHMAN, Fani Khairunnisa (Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas jember, 2023-08-23)
      Fokus penurunan angka stunting di Indonesia semakin dipercepat terutama di Kabupaten Jember sebagai Kabupaten dengan angka stunting tertinggi di Provinsi Jawa Timur. Temuan kesalahan pengukuran antropometri pada baduta ...
    • Minoca Dan Inoca: Konsep Patofisiologis Dan Pendekatan Terapi 

      Infark miokard dengan penyakit koroner nonobstruktif (MINOCA) merupakan suatu kondisi klinis yang heterogen, yang menyumbang sekitar 5% dari semua kasus infark miokard akut (IMA) dengan rentang 5% sampai 15% bergantung ...
    • The Impact of Chronic Exposure to Organophosphate Pesticides on the Incidence of Primary Brain Tumors in Farmers: A Narrative Review 

      PURWANDHONO, Azham; TARTILA, Jasmine; FIRDAUS, Jauhar (Aksona, 2024-01-01)
      Primary brain tumors have high mortality and morbidity rates. Its causes and risk factors have not been explored further. Several studies indicate that exposure to pesticides can be one of the main triggering factors. ...
    • Penatalaksanaan Anak dengan Sumbing Bibir dan Langit-Langit 

      ELFIAH, Ulfa (Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Jember, 2024-02-25)
      Sumbing bibir dan langit-langit adalah salah satu bentuk kelainan daerah kraniofasial yang ditandai adanya celah pada bibir, gusi dan langit-langit diakibatkan oleh adanya gangguan fusi pada masa masa embrional
    • Sikap Bahasa dan Identitas Etnik Madura: Fokus Kajian di Kota Jember 

      SARIONO, Agus; KUSNADI, Kusnadi; ASRUMI, Asrumi; SUYANTO, Budi (Jagat Litera, 2022-05-01)
      Sikap menurut William (dalam Fasold, 1984:147) merupakan keadaan internal yang timbul oleh beberapa jenis rangsangan dan yang dapat memediasi perilaku organisme selanjutnya. Sikap berada di antara rangsangan dan perilaku. ...
    • Rape Culture Pictured In Barbara Dee’s Maybe he Just Likes You 

      PERTIWI, Ardya Cahya; L.D.P WARDANI, L.D.P Wardani; KUSUMANINGPUTRI, Reni; KUSUMAYANTI, Dina Dyah (International Conference of Gender and Feminism, 2023-11-20)
      This study discusses how rape culture pictured in Barbara Dee’s Maybe he Just Likes You. Data is in the form of narrative quotes in the novel then analyzed using Hall's representation theory. The meaning is constructed ...
    • The Role of Women Activists in Improving Environmental Conditions in Kenya 

      YULIAWATI, Cindy; ERIYANTI, Linda Dwi; PRABHAWATI, Adhiningasih (International Conference of Gender and Feminism, 2023-11-20)
      In overcoming efforts to damage the environment, there are several difficulties that women activists must face because of their gender identity. This research aims to determine the role of women activists in improving ...
    • Sexual Violence Against Women in the Australian Parliament 

      PRATAMA, Alex Candra Adi; ERIYANTI, Linda Dwi; PATRIADI, Himawan Bayu (International Conference of Gender and Feminism, 2023-11-20)
      Sexual violence against women is still a big problem in the Australian Parliament. Women in the Australian Parliament have received a lot of empowerment and gender equality, but this has not made women in the Australian ...
    • Legalizing Prostitution Against Female Commercial Sex Workers (CSWs) In Bangladesh 

      RAMADHANI M.P, Isnindya; YUNIATI, Sri; ERIYANTI, Linda Dwi (International Conference of Gender and Feminism, 2023-11-20)
      This study aims to determine the causes of the legalization of prostitution's impact on female commercial Sex Workers (CSWs) in Bangladesh. As a country with a Muslim-majority population, Bangladesh has legalized ...
    • Increased Participation of Indonesian Female Peacekeepers in the United Nations Peacekeeping Mission in Lebanon (UNIFIL) 

      WULANDARI, Bernadeth Almathea; ERIYANTI, Linda Dwi; MAKMUR, Muhammad Hadi (International Conference of Gender and Feminism, 2023-11-20)
      This article analyzes the reasons behind the increasing number of Indonesian female peacekeepers in the United Nations Peacekeeping Mission in Lebanon (UNIFIL). In the analysis, the researcher uses a liberal feminist ...