Now showing items 1-8 of 8

    • Beneficial Health Effects of Rutin 

      RACHMAWATI, Septi Nur; HARISTIANI, Ruris (Jurnal Interprofesi Kesehatan Indonesia, 2022-06-30)
      Introduction: Flavonoids are secondary metabolites with flavones core characteristics and C6-C8-C6 carbon branches. Flavonoids have various pharmacological activities, including anticancer, antiinflammatory, antioxidant, ...
    • buku Ajar Penilaian Konsumsi Pangan 

      ROHMAWATI, Ninna; RACHMAWATI, Septi Nur; ANTIKA, Ruli Bahyu (UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember, 2023-02)
      Penilaian konsumsi pangan adalah metode yang dipakai untuk menghitung asupan zat gizi perorangan dan keluarga yang bertujuan perumusan kebijakan, baik untuk pemerintah dan petugas kesehatan di rumah sakit atau institusi ...
    • Edukasi gizi Danminuman kacang hijau sebagai preventif anemia Dalam kehamilan 

      HERMILASARI, Rista Dwi; RACHMAWATI, Septi Nur (Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Universitas Mataram, 2024-06-01)
      Di negara berkembang, komplikasi kehamilan yang paling umum terjadi pada wanita hamil adalah anemia. Prevalensi anemia dalam kehamilan yang terjadi di Indonesia masih cukup tinggi termasuk di wilayah Jawa Timur. ...
    • Effect of Anchovy Flour Substitution on Tuna Meatballs (Tori meatballs) on Body Weight and Total Protein of Wistar Rats 

      OKTAFIANI, Lirista Dyah Ayu; NINGTYIAS, Farida Wahyu; RACHMAWATI, Septi Nur; AKBAR, Abdul Azis; ANTIKA, Ruli Bahyu; HANDAYANI, Septy; PRATIWI, Yunita Satya; ARYATIKA, Karera; HIDAYATI, Manik Nur (Health Notions, 2022-10)
      Stunting is a growth disorder in children as a result of chronic nutritional problems. This causes the child's height does not match his age. Various efforts have been made to reduce the prevalence of stunting. One of the ...
    • HAK PATEN Abon Modifikasi Ikan Tuna 

      ROHMAWATI, Ninna; RATNAWATI, Leersia Yusi; NINGTYIAS, Farida Wahyu; SULISTIYANI, Sulistiyani; PRATIWI, Yunita Satya; HIDAYATI, Manik Nur; ADI, Dhuha Itsnanisa; ARYATIKA, Karera; AKBAR, Abdul Azis; HANDAYANI, Septy; OKTAFIANI, Lirista Dyah Ayu; RACHMAWATI, Septi Nur; ASTUTI, Nur Fitri Widya; FARIKHA, Tera Rizki; NUR, Liesna Lusyana (-, 2021-07-02)
      Abon Modifikasi Ikan Tuna
    • Kebutuhan Vitamin pada Ibu Hamil Selama Masa Pandemi Covid 19 

      RACHMAWATI, Septi Nur; HARISTIANI, Ruris (Jurnal Interprofesi Kesehatan Indonesia, 2021-12-20)
      Introduction: Pregnancy is one of the more important periods in life when increased micronutrients, and macronutrients are most needed by the body; both for the health and well-being of the mother and for the growing ...
    • Zinc Content, Suppleness and Favorability Test on Anchovy Flour Fortified Cob Meatballs 

      PRATIWI, Yunita Satya; NINGTYIAS, Farida Wahyu; RACHMAWATI, Septi Nur; AKBAR, Abdul Azis; OKTAFIANI, Lirista Dyah Ayu; ANTIKA, Ruli Bahyu; HANDAYANI, Septy (Medical Technology and Public Health Journal, 2023-03-01)
      Stunting in Jember Regency is the eighth most common condition in East Java, affecting up to 30% of the 180,000 children under the age of five. The creation of meatballs made from tuna fortified anchovy, which are ...
    • Zinc Content, Suppleness and Favorability Test on Anchovy Flour Fortified Cob Meatballs 

      PRATIWI, Yunita Satya; NINGTYIAS, Farida Wahyu; RACHMAWATI, Septi Nur; AKBAR, Abdul Azis; OKTAFIANI, Lirista Dyah Ayu; ANTIKA, Ruli Bahyu; HANDAYANI, Septy (Medical Technology and Public Health Journal, 2023-03-01)
      Stunting in Jember Regency is the eighth most common condition in East Java, affecting up to 30% of the 180,000 children under the age of five. The creation of meatballs made from tuna fortified anchovy, which are increasingly ...