Now showing items 1-8 of 8

    • Community Education with Leadership as Mediation 

      HENDRAWIJAYA, Arief Tukiman; HILMI, Muhammad Irfan; HASAN, Fuad; ARIEFIANTO, Lutfi (The 1st International Conference on Neuroscience and Learning Technology 2021, 2023-01-04)
      This research aims to analyze and examine the direct effect of competence, partnership, teamwork, and innovation on leadership; to analyze and examine the direct effect of competence, partnership, teamwork, innovation, ...
    • Community Empowerment of Limestone Mountain Area: Community Development Program PT Semen Puger Tbk. 

      ARIEFIANTO, Lutfi; HILMI, Muhammad Irfan; HENDRAWIJAYA, Arief Tukiman; INDRIANTI, Deditiani Tri; FAJARWATI, Linda (IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 485 (2020) 012075, 2020-06-02)
      Community empowerment activities through the Community Development Program (ComDev) are prioritized for communities in the Limestone Mountain mining exploration area, with village targets lacking facilities and ...
    • Desa Melek Ekonomi Digital dengan Teknologi Terintegrasi Village Economic Information System 

      HENDRAWIJAYA, Arief Tukiman; ARIEFIANTO, Lutfi; HILMI, Muhammad Irfan; PRASETYO, Benny (Jurnal Bina Desa, 2021)
      Kemajuan desa dalam aspek ekonomi mikro menengah akan berkembang jika strategi ekonomi digital diterapkan, serta dapat memberikan akar pondasi yang dapat menumbuhkan sikap mental wirausaha warga. Sehingga akan kokoh walau ...
    • Indigenous Learning in Coastal Community Empowerment at Jember Regency 

      HILMI, Muhammad Irfan; INDRIANTI, Deditiani Tri; ARIEFIANTO, Lutfi; FAJARWATI, Linda; PURNAMAWATI, Frimha; AMILIA, Rizka (Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 2679, 2023-01-04)
      The principle of the community empowerment program includes three things, namely from, for and by the community. Coastal communities have noble values that are held and inherited in the form of traditional learning. ...
    • Keberdayaan Peternak Kambing melalui Aplikasi Teknologi Pakan Fermentasi Berbasis Limbah Pertanian 

      ARIEFIANTO, Lutfi; SETIAWAN, Rendy; HILMI, Muhammad Irfan; NUGROHO, Setyo Andi (Jurnal Bina Desa, 2022-02-28)
      Animal feed is only obtained from daily grazing without taking into account the needs of livestock. The problems that are often faced by farmers in dairy goat cultivation are the quality of the feed provided is still ...
    • Model Indigenous Learning Dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Pesisir di Kabupaten Jember 

      HILMI, Muhammad Irfan; ARIEFIANTO, Lutfi; PURNAMAWATI, Frimha; INDRIANTI, Deditiani Tri; FAJARWATI, Linda (2021-12-17)
      Prinsip program pemberdayaan masyarakat meliputi tiga hal yaitu dari, untuk dan oleh masyarakat. Masyarakat pesisir memiliki nilai-nilai luhur yang dipegang dan diwariskan dalam bentuk pembelajaran tradisional. Kegiatan ...
    • Modul PSDM: Coaching, Mentoring, Counselling 

      HENDRAWIJAYA, Arief Tukiman; ARIEFIANTO, Lutfi; KUSUMAWARDANI, Erma; SINTIAWATI, Nani (Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, 2022-09)
      Menurut Gallwey’s (Fitriany, 2019) coaching adalah proses membuka potensi seseorang untuk memaksimalkan kinerja yang hal ini dapat membantu mereka untuk belajar daripada mereka mengajar. Coaching atau pelatihan/pembinaan ...
    • The Revelation of the Potential Culture and Entrepreneurship: An Effort to Minimize the Unemployed Graduates of Salaf Islamic Boarding Schools in Tapal Kuda Areas, East Java, Indonesia 

      HARYONO, Akhmad; ARIEFIANTO, Lutfi; SUPARDI, Supardi; SURYANINGTIYAS, Ika Barokah; HANI, Evita Soliha; IQBAL, Mohammad (Karsa: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture, Vol. 27 No.2, December 2019, pp. 230-260, 2019-12-01)
      Islamic boarding schools are an alternative educational institution for people in East Java Tapal Kuda areas. Therefore, Islamic boarding schools have a very large contribution in the development of human resources. ...