dc.description.abstract | SUMMARY
The Effect of Using Inductive Method on the Seventh Grade Students’ Tense
Achievement at MTs Sunan Ampel Kertosuko Krucil Probolinggo in the
2012/2013 Academic Year; Holifatur Rohman, 070210401088; 2012: 45 pages;
English Education Program of Language and Arts Education Education Department,
the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Jember University.
As a part of grammar, tenses are very important in learning English because
they become the basic knowledge in mastering the language skills. In English
teaching learning process, the students are expected to understand the materials given
by the teacher. To reach this goal, the English teacher should find the appropriate
teaching technique and materials that can make the students actively involved in
learning tenses and help them more easily understand the subjects. One of the
teaching techniques is inductive method.
This research was intended to know whether or not there was a significant
effect of using the inductive method on the seventh grade students’ tense achievement
at MTs Sunan Ampel Kertosuko Krucil Probolinggo in the 2012/2013 academic year.
The research design was quasi experimental research. The area of the research was
MTs Sunan Ampel Kertosuko Krucil Probolinggo which was purposively chosen.
The population of this research was the seventh grade students of MTs Sunan Ampel
Kertosuko Krucil Probolinggo that consisted of three classes and to determine the
samples of the research, the homogeneity test was administered then the results were
analyzed by using ANOVA. Based on the result of ANOVA analysis, the population
of the research was not homogenous, so two classes that had the closest mean were
chosen by lottery as the samples of the research. They were class C as the
experimental group and class B as the control group.
The primary data of this research were collected from the students’ scores of
tense posttest, while the supporting data were gained through interview and
documentation. The primary data were collected then analyzed by using independent
sample t-test in SPSS ver.14. Based on the calculation, the mean score of the
experimental group was higher than the mean score of the control group (66.9792 ˃
62.4038). The result of the t-test analysis showed that the significant value of t-test
was lower than 0.05 (0.044˂ 0.05). It means that the research results proved that there
was a significant effect of using inductive method on the seventh grade students’
tense achievement at MTs Sunan Ampel Kertosuko Krucil Probolinggo in the
2012/2013 academic year. Therefore, it is suggested to the English teacher to apply
the inductive method as an alternative teaching technique in teaching tenses as well as
to the future researchers to conduct a further research with a similar topic in different
research designs.
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