Browsing LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen by Title
Now showing items 7237-7256 of 7293
Viability of Nigella sativa Toothpaste with SLS Compared Non-SLS on Fibroblast Cell Culture
(Journal of International Dental and Medical Research, 2021-03-14)Nigella sativa toothpaste with antibacterial, anti-oxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties has beneficial effects in infectious disease, such as gingival inflammation. One of the most widely used synthetic detergents in ... -
Vigenere Cipher dengan Modifikasi Plaintext (Vigenere Cipher Using Plaintext Modification)
(Majalah Ilmiah Matematika dan Statistika, 2020-03-16)Cryptography is knowledge of encoding messages by observe to security aspects. Cryptography uses two types of keys, namely symmetric keys and asymmetric keys. Vigenere cipher is a technique to encrypt messages by ... -
Village Innovation Through Village Information Administration System (SAID) in Bondowoso District East Java Province
(Index Copernicus International: The International Seminar Series on Regional Dynamics, 04-05 Desember 2018, 2018-12-04)The Evaluation of Pilot Project Universitas Membangun Desa (UMD) focuses on the development of villages in Bondowoso district of East Java province through the innovation of the use of information technology. This study ... -
Violence Beyond the Utopian Society in Lois Lowry’s The Giver
(2019-01-04)This article discusses violence in a constructed utopian society in The Giver, Lois Lowry's distopian novel. We assume that 'sameness' as the governing system in the novel is the source of violence. Therefore, this article ... -
Virtual Screening the Interaction of Various Compound From Indonesian Plants With the Hgxprt Enzyme to Find a Novel Antimalarial Drug
(The 3rd International Conference on Life Sciences and Biotechnology, 2021-03-09)Medicinal plants have been a notable source for antimalarial agents. This study was aimed to investigate the antimalarial potency of Indonesian medicinal plants used traditionally in malarial fever therapy. A total of ... -
The Virtual Screening to Search Proplasmepsin II Inhibitor from Indonesian Medicinal Plant Phytochemicals: Anti-Malaria
(INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LIFE SCIENCES AND BIOTECHNOLOGY (ICOLIB), 2021-03-09)The indigenous people of Indonesia have used medicinal plants to survive infectious diseases, including malaria. The knowledge has been passed through the generation and a limited number of the plants have been studied ... -
Virulence of Metarhizium isolated from infected Oryctes rhinoceros L. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) larvae around coconut plantations in East Java, Indonesia
(Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control, 2022-12-30)Metarhizium is one of the entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) that has been widely reported as a useful agent for controlling the coconut rhinoceros beetle (CRB), Oryctes rhinoceros L. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Application of ... -
Viskositas dan Porositas Bahan Cetak Alginat dari Alga Merah Kappaphycus alvarezii (The Viscosity and Porosity of Alginate Impression from Red Seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii)
(Stomatognatic (J.K.G Unej), 2022-10)Bahan cetak alginat merupakan bahan yang sering digunakan dalam kedokteran gigi untuk menghasilkan model studi. Bahan aktif utama dalam bahan cetak alginat ialah natrium alginat yang dapat diperoleh dari alga merah Kappaphycus ... -
A Visual Semiotic Analysis of Multicultural Values in An Indonesian English Textbook
(2019-03-12)In the context of the role of culture in language learning, many textbook analysts have so far investigated the representations of cultures in EFL textbooks. Most of the previous findings on the study of culture indicate ... -
The visualization and classification method of support vector machine in lymphoma cancer
(2020-09-21)In the classical-classification multivariate process, it becomes an interesting topic to be discussed in the research area because of the larger variables with smaller observations. For this we need a method that can ... -
The Visualization and Classification Method of Support Vector Machine in Lymphoma Cancer
(Journal of Physics: Conference Series IOP Publishing, 1613 (2020) 012065, 2020-09-21)In the classical-classification multivariate process, it becomes an interesting topic to be discussed in the research area because of the larger variables with smaller observations. For this we need a method that can ... -
Volatile Compounds Changes in Unfermented Robusta Coffee by Re-Fermentation Using Commercial Kefir
(Juniper Publishers, 2019-04-25)Robusta coffee usually has a low quality because the formation of flavored precursors is imperfect. The efforts to form a flavored precursor of unfermented Robusta coffee can be done by re-fermenting the coffee using ... -
Volatile Compounds Changes in Unfermented Robusta Coffee by Re-Fermentation Using Commercial Kefir
(Nutrition & Food Science International Journal, 2019-04-03)Robusta coffee usually has a low quality because the formation of flavored precursors is imperfect. The efforts to form a flavored precursor of unfermented Robusta coffee can be done by re-fermenting the coffee using ... -
Volunteering in Health Care Context: A Concept Analysis Using Rodger’s Evolutionary Approach
(Nurse Media Journal of Nursing, 2020-12-01)Background: Volunteering is a common concept used in various disciplines including in the health care context. Nursing plays a role in volunteering concept development. However, the use of volunteering concept is still ... -
Volvulus Due to Mesenteric Cysts in Infants and Children; A Case Report
(MEJDD, 2022-10-30)Mesenteric cysts are defined as benign intra-abdominal tumors located in the mesentery. It was a rare disease with an incidence of 1:20000 in children. The most common location was in the small bowel mesentery. Most ... -
Wacana Nasionalisme Kritis Dalam Musik Banyuwangian pada Masa Orde Baru
(Paradigma Jurnal Kajian Budaya Vol 9 No. 3 (2019), 2019-12-01)Artikel ini membahas representasi wacana nasionalisme kritis dalam musik banyuwangian pada masa Orde Baru. Dengan menyandingkan teori representasi dan hegemoni yang menekankan pada pembacaan tekstual-kontekstual, kami ... -
‘Wader’ (Rasbora jacobsoni) Protein Hydrolysates: Production, Biochemical, and Functional Properties
(2016-09-05)Considerable the amounts of Wader (Rasbora jacobsoni) are abundant in Indonesia for all year and also have a low economic value. By using Biduri (Calotropis gigantea) protease, production of wader protein hydrolysate (WPH) ... -
Wanita Nelayan: Sanitasi dan Usaha Kesehatan Keluarga Studi di Kabupaten Situbondo, Indonesia
(Ikesma: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, 2022-12)Indonesia is a maritime country with a long coastline of 108,000 km. Fishermen's profession is the choice of people living in coastal areas. Women fishermen are the wives of fishermen who have a role in the sustainability ... -
Wanprestasi Pada Akad Murabahah (Studi Putusan Nomor 1039/Pdt.G/2014/PA.Pbg)
(Jurnal Supremasi, Volume 10, Nomor 2, September 2020, 2020-09-01)Jual beli merupakan suatu hal yang lumrah atau lazim dilakukan. Sama halnya dengan jual beli dalam bank syariah menggunakan akad murabahah. Yang sering terjadi dalam menyicil pembayaran adalah terjadinya ingkar ... -
Warm Compress Therapy to Resolved Acute Pain Nursing Problems: A Case Study
(Jurnal Kegawatdaruratan Medis Indonesia (JKMI), 2023-08-30)the application of complementary therapies in hospitals is still not optimal. The limitations of the application of nursing interventions are caused by the factor of applying therapy by nurses to patients and education ...