Browsing LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen by Title
Now showing items 6437-6456 of 7293
The Role of Work Motivation as a Mediation Influence of Situational Leadership Style and Change Management on Performance of Employee in Bank Mandiri Jember
(International Journal Of Creative and Innovative Research In All Studies, May 2019 | Vol. 1 Issue. 12, 2019-05-01)This study aims to analyze the role of work motivation as a mediation of the influence of situational leadership style and change management on the performance of micro credit sales of Bank Mandiri Jember employees. This ... -
The Role of Working Capital on Profitability After Tax on Automotive and Allied Products Companies in Indonesia
(Jurnal Mantik, Volume 3 Number 4, February 2020, pp. 588-596, 2020-02-01)The purpose of this research is to know the role of working capital on profitability through factors that affect the amount of working capital, among others: Working capital turnover, liquidity, cash turnover, ... -
The Role of Workload and Work Discipline in Improving Job Satisfaction and Performance of Outsourcing Employees
(2019-10-01)Outsourcing employees are contract employees supplied from an outsourcing service provider company. This study examines how to improve outsourcing employees’ performance through workload and work discipline using job ... -
Root Water Uptake Process for Different Types of Soil in Unsteady Infiltration from Periodic Trapezoidal Channels
(Advances in Computer Science Research (Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics, Geometry, Statistics, and Computation (IC-MaGeStiC 2021)), 2022-02-08)This study involves a non-linear partial differential equation known as Richard’s Equation. An unsteady infiltration from trapezoidal periodic irrigation channel with root-water uptake is considered as the problem. To ... -
Row–column interaction models, with an R implementation
(Computational Statistics, 2014-03-27)We propose a family of models called row–column interaction models (RCIMs) for two-way table responses. RCIMs apply some link function to a para meter (such as the cell mean) to equal a row effect plus a column effect ... -
Ruang Abstrak Pemangku Adat : Narasi Elite Dan Re-Tradisionalisme Komunitas Using
(Jurnal Sosiologi Pendidikan Humanis, 2017-12-02)Studi tentang adat dan komunitas yang terintegrasi kedalamnya, menjadi persoalan mendesak untuk diperhatian, hal ini didasari oleh isu yang muncul dan berkembangnya ruang-ruang sosial pasca orde baru, yang memberikan ... -
Ruang Pembebasan Sebagai Politik Perlawanan Perempuan NU
(Jurnal Musãwa, Vol. 18, No. 1 Januari 2019, 2019-01-02)Artikel ini adalah tentang perlawanan politik perempuan NU, yang ditelusuri dengan mengidentifikasi pemikiran dan tindakan mereka untuk membebaskan diri dari kekerasan. Tujuan dari karya ilmiah ini adalah untuk ... -
Rural Modernisation Through Intensive Vegetable Farming Agribusiness in Indonesia
(Rural Society Volume 29, 2020, 2020-07-06)Traditional farming that changes to profitable agribusiness can serve a machine for rural modernisation. This article assesses factors that determined the decision of smallholder vegetable producers to participate in ... -
Rural Tourism As A Way to Build Economic Independence
(African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 2018-08-31)Economic liberation and equality in the rural area is a deliberate aspiration towards building a successful community. The aim of this study was to explore the potential for economic independence of the village of Brayut ... -
Rural Tourism: Does Personal Motivation Play a Role as Reference Group Mediation on Tourist Word of Mouth?
(IJCRR, 2021-10-23)This study aims to examine the influence of reference groups through personal motivation on word of mouth of waterpark tourists in Sumbergondo Village, Banyuwangi Regency, Indonesia. This research is descriptive-based ... -
S-Shaped Microstrip Antenna Design for 5GHz Wifi
(AIP Conference Proceedings, 2022-09-20)Microstrip Antenna is an made of a thin metal srip capabel of working at high frequencies -
Safety of Bioinsecticide Ekstract Sugar Apple Seed’s Granule (Annona squamosa L.) on Histology of White Rat (Rattus norvegicus B.)
(International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), Volume-8 Issue-2, July 2019, 2019-07-01)The granules of sugar apple seeds extract (Annona squamosa L.) have been taken as the natural larvacide an economical in eradicating mosquito flicks of Aedes aegypti L. because of its the content of toxic compounds ... -
Salep Daun Syzygium Samarangense Meningkatkan Proses Penyembuhan Luka Bakar Berdasarkan Kolagen (Syzygium Samarangense Leaves Ointment Enhances Wound Healing Process Of Skin Burn Based On Collagen )
(2018-03-20)World Health Organization (WHO) memperkirakan terdapat 265.000 kematian pada tahun 2014 akibat luka bakar. Luka bakar akan mengakibatkan kerusakan kulit dan juga masalah komplikasi lainnya seperti dehidrasi, infeksi, ... -
Saliva as a future Potential Predictor for Various Periodontal Disease
(Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi), 2011-06)Latar belakang: Banyak biomarker telah ditemukan dalam saliva. Saliva terdiri dari berbagai protein unik meliputi bakteri dan produk bakteri, enzim, mediator inflamasi dan modifikasi respon host (immunoglobulin, sitokin), ... -
The Saminist Movement of the Kendeng Mountains Complex of Java during the Dutch Colonial and Indonesia’s Reform Eras
(2017-07-19)Saminist community is widely known for its strong resistance tradition. One major similar feature of the Saminist resistance movement during the Colonial and Reform periods is the rejection to the external influences and ... -
Santri Smoking Behavior Determinant At “X” Islamic Boarding School in Jember Regency
(Jurnal Promkes: The Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education, 2023-03-11)Background: Smoke is a risk factor for various infections and increased severity of respiratory tract disease. Deaths due to smoking in the world in 2019 reached 8 million people per year, while death as a consequence ... -
Sastra Lisan Berbasis Industri Kreatif: Ruang Penyimpanan, Pengembangan, dan Identitas (Creative Industry-Based Oral Literature: Storage Space, Development, and Identity)
(2019-04-08)Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan pengembangan sastra lisan berbasis industri kreatif di Banyuwangi yang berkembang secara otonom bersama dengan seni tradisi dan modern, seperti janger, fesyen, tari, dan lagu. Dengan ... -
Savonius Turbine Angle Control System for Optimization of Wind Power
(International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development, 2021-12)e advancement of civilization has always been accompanied by a rise in the usage of fossil fuels. This rise is directly proportional to the improvement in the living standards of the people and the advancement of ... -
Savory Salt Production by Enzymatic Hydrolysis from Low Economic Value of Freshwater Fishes and Saltwater Fishes
(Advanced Science Letters, 2017-12-01)Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in East Java—Indonesia, has been proven to make a major contribution to the Gross Domestic Income. Nevertheless, production management that is applied often still traditional. This research ... -
Scabovith : Scaffold Bovine Teeth Untuk Regenerasi Tulang Alveolar
(UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember, 2023-02-01)Scaffold atau dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah “perancah” merupakan material yang digunakan untuk rekayasa jaringan (tissue engineering). Bahan scaffold harus memiliki karakteristik biodegradable, biokompatibiltas yang tinggi ...