Browsing LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen by Title
Now showing items 41-60 of 7293
Adopting Lesson Study to Enhance Pre-Service Teachers’ Pedagogical Knowledge
(The New Educational Review, 2019-06-03)Most pre-service teachers work individually in preparing their teaching and learning activities and rarely work closely with others. The purpose of this research was to investigate pre-service teacher pedagogical knowledge ... -
Adopting Lesson Study to Enhance Pre-Service Teachers’ Pedagogical Knowledge
(The New Educational Review, 2019-06-03)all facets of school in learning and teaching settings offering learning experiences. -
Adsorption of Pb(II) on Calix[4]arene Derivatives: Kinetics and Isotherm Studies
(Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, 2022)This study aims to investigate the application of two calix[4]arene derivatives named 5,11,17,23-tetra-(t-butyl)-25,26,27,28-tetrahydroxycalix[4]arene (TBCA) and 5,11,17,23-tetra-(t-butyl)-26,27,28-tribenzoyloxycalix[4]arene ... -
Advances in Language and Literary Studies
(2018-01-18)The study aimed, firstly, to assess a group of Indonesian adult EFL students' mastery of tenses and aspects as part of their mastery of English grammar and secondly, to identify if their experience of going through the ... -
Advokasi Kebijakan untuk Pemenuhan Kepentingan Petani di Desa Puger Kulon dan Puger Wetan Kecamatan Puger Kabupaten Jember
(Jurnal E-Sospol Universitas Jember, 2022-06-30)The research is based on problems regarding the interest of the farming community in Puger Kulon and Puger Wetan villages which are not being taken care of by the government in terms of the availability of a smooth ... -
Agricultural Land Conversion, Land Economic Value, and Sustainable Agriculture: A Case Study in East Java, Indonesia
(2019-02-06)Agricultural land conversion (ALC) is an incentive-driven process. In this paper, we further investigate the inter-relationship between land economic value (LEV) and ALC. To achieve this goal, we calculated the LEV for ... -
Agrogeofisika Metode Self Potential Guna Evaluasi Lahan Perkebunan Tebu
(2016-05-13)Agrigeofisika adalah cabang geofisika yang berhubungan dengan ilmu pertanian . Geofisika adalah ilmu yang mempelajari penerapan prinsip-prinsip fisika untuk mempelajari bawah permukaan bumi , baik dalam dangkal skala ... -
The Agroindustry Development Strategy for Java Ijen-Raung Arabica Coffee, in Bondowoso Regency, East Java
(Industria, 2021-09-30)The potential of Java Ijen-Raung Arabica Coffee in the Bondowoso Regency, East Java needs to be increased by developing the downstream agroindustry. This study aims to determine the location of the downstream coffee agroindustry ... -
The Air Flow Analysis of Coffee Plantation Based on Crops Planting Pattern of the Triangular Grid and Shackle of Wheel graphs by using a Finite Volume Method
(International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS), [Vol-4, Issue-11, Nov- 2017], 2017-11-01)Coffee bean is one of the Indonesia major export commodity. Based on the data from the 2012, Indonesia was ranked at third biggest coffee beans exporter in the world, after Vietnam and Brazil. A coffee land expansion ... -
Akad Rahn Tasjily pada Benda Bergerak dalam Produk Amanah di PT Pegadaian (Persero) Syariah
(Jurnal Supremasi, Volume 10, Nomor 1, Maret 2020, 2020-03-01)Produk Amanah di PT Pegadaian (Persero) Syariah merupakan pembiayaan berprinsip syariah yang ditujukan kepada karyawan tetap, para pengusaha mikro dan kini dapat diberikan kepada pekerja profesionalitas seperti dokter ... -
Akademisi UNEJ Paparkan Kemasan Makanan yang Solutif di Tengah Pandemi
(Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, 2021-12-29)Akademisi UNEJ Paparkan Kemasan Makanan yang Solutif di Tengah Pandemi -
Akademisi Unej sarankan gunakan daun jati pembungkus daging kurban
(Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, 2022-07-09)Akademisi Unej sarankan gunakan daun jati pembungkus daging kurban -
Akselerasi Produksi Moromi Menggunakan Inokulum Pediococcus halophilus FNCC 0033 dan Zygosaccharomyces rouxii FNCC 3008 (Acceleration of Moromi Production using Inoculum of Pediococcus halophilus FNCC 0033 and Zygosaccharomyces rouxii FNCC 3008)
(Jurnal Agroteknologi Vol. 13 No. 02 (2019), 2019-12-01)The increasing of consumer demand has forced the small scale soy sauce factories to expand the quality and quantity of their production. However, they have a major problem on the duration of spontaneous fermentation for ... -
Aksentuasi Produksi Bersih Pada Agroindustri Kopi Arabika Maju Mapan di Kabupaten Jember Menggunakan Metode AHP
(Jurnal Agroteknologi, 2020-12-02)Panti District is the second-largest coffee plantation in Jember Regency, with an area of 160.71 𝑘𝑚2 or 4.88% of the total area of Jember Regency with an average height of 50-1,340 meters above sea level. With this ... -
Aksesibilitas Petani Singkong terhadap Kebijakan Pemerintah dalam Mengentaskan Kemiskinan di Kabupaten Bondowoso Jawa Timur
(2017-02-27)Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menginterpretasikan aksesibilitas petani singkong terhadap kebijakan pertanian untuk mengurangi kemiskinan. Globalisasi dan perkembangan teknologi membawa perubahan di ... -
Aksesibilitas Sumber Daya Pada Usaha Peternakan Sapi Potong Rakyat
(Jurnal Peternakan, 2021-02-01)Keberlanjutan usaha ternak dan pengembangan usaha ternak tidak terlepas dari dukungan berbagai sumber daya. Tinggi dan rendahnya aksesibilitas peternak terhadap sumber daya dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor, diantaranya ... -
Aktivitas Air, Kurva Sorpsi Isothermis serta Perkiraan Umur Simpan Flake Ubi Kayu dengan Variasi Penambahan Koro Pedang
(2017-08-07)The aim of our study determined water activity value, moisture sorption isotherm characteristic and predicted shelf life of cassava flake with variation of jack bean addition. The purpose of jack bean addition in to the ... -
Aktivitas Air, Kurva Sorpsi Isothermis serta Perkiraan Umur Simpan Flake Ubi Kayu dengan Variasi Penambahan Koro Pedang (Water Activity, Moisture Sorption Isotherm and Shelf Life of Cassava Flake with Jack Bean Addition)
(Jurnal Agroteknologi Vol. 10 No. 02 (2016), 2016-12-01)The aim of our study determined water activity value, moisture sorption isotherm characteristic and predicted shelf life of cassava flake with variation of jack bean addition. The purpose of jack bean addition in to the ... -
Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Etanol Herba Apu-Apu (Pistia stratiotes) terhadap Staphylococcus aureus
(Journal of Pharmaceutical-Care Anwar Medika, Vol. 2 No.2 Desember 2019, 2019-12-01)S. aureus merupakan salah satu bakteri gram positif yang dapat menyebabkan infeksi bernanah, infeksi kulit ataupun infeksi serius seperti mastitis, pneumonia dan infeksi saluran kencing. Penemuan senyawa aktif baru ... -
Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Etil Asetat Lumut Hati Dumortiera hirsuta (Sw.) Nees terhadap Bakteri Patogen
(BERKALA SAINSTEK, 2021-07-01)Dumortiera hirsuta is one of the liverworts that can be used as a medicinal to prevent infection by pathogenic bacteria. The content of secondary metabolites of D. hirsuta has potential as antibacterial properties includes ...