Aktivitas Air, Kurva Sorpsi Isothermis serta Perkiraan Umur Simpan Flake Ubi Kayu dengan Variasi Penambahan Koro Pedang (Water Activity, Moisture Sorption Isotherm and Shelf Life of Cassava Flake with Jack Bean Addition)
The aim of our study determined water activity value, moisture sorption isotherm characteristic
and predicted shelf life of cassava flake with variation of jack bean addition. The purpose of jack
bean addition in to the flake to increase protein content. The result showed that water activity content
of flake with 30% jack bean addition was 0,21±0,0034; 25% addition was 0,29±0,0027 and 20%
addition was 0,21±0,0041. The moisture sorption isotherm characteristic of the flake was adsorption
type (type II). Oswin equation can be used to predict the moisture content of flake related with
relative humidity of environment that suitable with sorption isotherm curve. Flake with 25% jack
bean addition packed in HDPE, stored in 85% relatie humidity room had highest selft life, that was
284 days. The lowest shelf life was flake with 25% and 20% addition packed in LDPE, stored in 95%
relative humidity. The value of the shelf life was 21 days
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7359]