Browsing LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen by Title
Now showing items 3331-3350 of 7293
Intradialytic Exercise, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Deep Breathrelaxation for Qol in Hemodialysis Patients: Systematic Review
(NurseLine Journal, 2024-05-12)Chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients undergoing continuous hemodialysis (HD) experience decreased daily physical activity, lower tolerance to exercise and poorer health-related quality of life. Thus, HD patients need ... -
Intranasal Immunization with 54 kDa Hemagglutinin Pili Protein of Streptococcus pneumonia Increases Mucosal and Systemic Antibodies
(Annals of Tropical Medicine & Public Health, May 2020 Vol. 23 Issue 8, 2020-05-01)Streptococcus pneumoniae (Klein, 1884) can cause disease with high morbidity and mortality in children under 2 yr of age, parents, and individuals with low immunity. Amount one of the diseases that can be caused by ... -
Intranasal Immunization with the 54 kDa Hemagglutinin Pili Protein of Streptococcus pneumoniae that Increase the Expression of β‑defensin‑2
(Drug Invention Today Journal | Vol 11 • Issue 10 • 2019, 2019-10-01)Introduction: This study aimed to determine the ability of intranasal immunization with 54 kDa pili proteins of Streptococcus pneumoniae to improve the expression of β‑defensin‑2 through the upregulation of interleukin ... -
Intussusception related to Ogilvie's syndrome caused by herpes zoster infection
(Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports, 2022-10-12)Background: A case of intestinal pseudo-obstruction (Ogilvie's syndrome) caused by herpes zoster infection, likewise appendicitis in infants and newborns is very rare. An understanding of the rare association is important ... -
Inventarisasi Bambu di Kelurahan Antirogo Kecamatan Sumbersari Kabupaten Jember
(Jurnal Ilmu Dasar, 2015-07-02)Antirogo Village is a sub-urb of Jember regency, in this village people use bamboo for daily needs such as building materials, agricultural equipment, bridges, vegetables, and crafts. The unsustainable without cultivation ... -
Inventarisasi dan Identifikasi Morfologi Tanaman Garut (Maranta arundinaceus L.) di Kabupaten Jember
(Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan, 2022-11-20)The aim of this study is to identify the arrowroot morphology characters and its distribution pattern in Jember District, East Java Province. Plant inventory was carried out in 6 subdistricts, i.e. Arjasa, Sumbersari, Silo, ... -
Inventarisasi Spesies Bintang Mengular (Ophiuroidea) di Pantai Bilik, Taman Nasional Baluran, Jawa Timur
(Jurnal Kelautan, 2019-12-30)Bintang mengular merupakan anggota dari filum Echinodermata yang hidup pada habitat di zona intertidal, subtidal, dan laut dalam. Bintang mengular dapat ditemukan di area terumbu karang, pasir, lamun (seagrass), makroalga ... -
Inventory of Butterfly (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) at Agrotechno Park The University of Jember
(Berkala SAINSTEK, 2022)Eksplorasi kupu kupu di Universitas Jember telah dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman kupu-kupu di UPT Agrotechno park Universitas Jember selama kurun waktu Agustus sampai September 2020 ... -
Inventory Position and Performance of Railroad Transportation Services in Indonesia
(Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management (SJEBM), 2018-12-30)This study aims to determine the position of inventory on the profitability of rail transport services company. Research on the effect of stock position on Return On Equity (ROE), Return On Invesment (ROI) and Inventory ... -
Inverter Control on 3 Phase UPS System as Harmonic Compensator and Power Factor Improvement Using Online Combined Error Adaptive Fuzzy
(International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, 2022-07-13)Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is a form of electrical supply that is frequently used to regulate electrical current and perform as a backup power source when the primary power source fails. Apart from providing backup ... -
Inverter Design with Selective Harmonic Elimination Pulse Width Modulation (SHE PWM) Method For Agricultural Irrigation Pump
(IEEE XPLORE, 2023-02-20)Global warming is a result of the use of fossil fuels. To overcome this problem, renewable energy sources need to be encouraged. Among the renewable energy sources that are currently the most effective are Photovoltaic ... -
Investigasi Cacat Makro Pada Pengecoran Al Si Variasi Holding Time Peleburan
(TRANSMISI, 2021-03-02)Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis macro structure pada hasil coran Al-Si yang diberikan treatment holding time pada saat peleburan. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian ekeperimental dengan pendekatan ... -
Investigating the Effects of Several Intervention on Supply Chain Behavior Evidence from West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia
(Growing Science, 2021-11-15)This study analyzed the impact magnitudes and patterns of several intervention events, including eight earthquakes and Covid-19 pandemic, on the number of unloading and loading goods in the three main ports and airports ... -
Investigating the Richness of Archeological Data of Megalithic Culture in Iyang-Ijen Plateau to Develop Local History Learning Material
(Pancaran Pendidikan FKIP Universitas Jember, 2021-05-01)This research focused on attempting to solve issues regarding the distribution and typology of megalithic culture traces in the plateau of Iyang-Ijen along with its chronology. This study aimed to discover the richness ... -
An investigation of copper chlorophyllin solution for low-cost optical devices calibration in chlorophyll measurement
(International Journal of Metrology and Quality Engineering, 2019-09-20). Chlorophylls and turbidity are related parameters deemed important in predicting water quality, especially in the freshwater fisheries sector. In other hand, chlorophyll contents in vegetation are often used as a measure ... -
Investigation of Indonesian Muslims’ dietary situations in Taiwan to explore the Muslim-friendly standards implementable in the non-Muslim society
(International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 2019-12-30)To probe a Muslim-friendly regulation which may be more implementable than the original Halal standards in Taiwan, this study tried to explore Muslims’ bottom line of acceptance for different dietary cultures when they ... -
Investigation of Iron in High Temperature Molten Liquid Lead Using the Lennard-Jones Potential
(AIP Conference Proceedings, 2020-10-26)Liquid metal corrosion is getting more attentions by nuclear material researchers. The information about corrosions and damages mechanism of nuclear structural materials are very important for nuclear reactor design. In ... -
Investment, Deposit Interest Rates, and Real Sector Performance: A Case Study of Islamic Finance in Malaysia
(Muqtasid 12 (2), 2021, 2022-01-29)This study aims to examine the influence of interest rates, GDP, consumption, and investment on Islamic finance in Malaysia. Also, it focuses on the causal relationship between the macroeconomic and humanistic approach ... -
Involvement of Government Institutions in Agroindustrial Development: A Case of Fruit Processing Industries in East Java, Indonesia
(2016-09-09)The fruit processing enterprises significantly contribute to the economies of Indonesia. The government institutions are expected to solve problems faced by these industries. This study was focused on government institutions ... -
The involvement of the PilQ secretin of type IV pili in phage infection in Ralstonia solanacearum
(2017-07-20)PilQ is a member of the secretin family of outer membrane proteins and specifically involved in type IV secretion. Here we report the effects of pilQ mutation in Ralstonia solanacearum on the host physiology including ...