Now showing items 2518-2537 of 7293

    • Financial Literation Analysis, Marketing Strategies, and Institutional Models of Coffee Farming Creation 

      SUMANI, Sumani; ROZIQ, Ahmad; YULIATI, Lilis; SHULTHONI, Moch. (QUALITY Access to Success, 2022-03-26)
      Coffee is one of Indonesia’s leading commodities that has opportunities in the domestic and international markets. Processed coffee drinks are now increasingly favored by people from various circles, so that the growth of ...
    • Financial Literation: Determinants of Financial Well-Being in the Batik Small and Medium Industries in East Java 

      SUMANI, Sumani; ROZIQ, Ahmad (Journal of Applied Management (JAM), Volume 18 Number 2, June 2020, 2020-06-01)
      The research objective is to examine the financial well-being of batik SMEs in East Java-based on financial literacy, namely: financial knowledge, financial attitudes, and financial behavior. The study population was ...

      The research objective is to examine the financial well-being of batik SMEs in East Java-based on financial literacy, namely: financial knowledge, financial attitudes, and financial behavior. The study population was ...
    • Financial Performance Analysis Surrounding Indonesian Initial Public Offerings 

      UTAMI, Elok Sri; SINGGIH, Marmono; GUMANTI, Tatang Ary; QOMARIYAH, Selfi Dewi (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH SCIENCE & MANAGEMENT, 7(11): November, 2020, 2020-11-01)
      One of the ways to find out the performance of company making Initial Public Offering (IPO) is through the financial performance analysis. The analysis would help investors prior to deciding to buy the stocks of the company. ...
    • Financial Performance of Coffee Cafes in the Perspective of Entrepreneurial Orientation, Knowledge, and Task Environment 

      Poernomo, Djoko; Karyadi, Hari; Sutrisno, Sutrisno; Ashari, Abdul Kholiq; Suhartono, Suhartono; Negoro, Abul Haris Suryo; Puspitaningtyas, Zarah; Wahyuni, Sri; Sisbintari, Ika; Suryawati, Dina; Handini, Yuslinda Dwi; Prananta, Rebecha; Lokaprasidha, Pramesi (2019-03-15)
      Population growth, changes in people's lifestyles and research findings that state coffee as a healthy drink has placed coffee as the most preferred beverage for the community. This fact was captured by the owners of ...
    • Financial Report Design for Mosque Based on Web 

      A non-profit organization is a type of organization that receives funding from resource donors voluntarily, without expecting a reward in the form of a return of benefits in the form of cash or other items of value. In ...
    • Financial Stress Index in Indonesia 

      VITRIYAH, Nurul Lailatul; MOH ADENAN, Moh. Adenan; YUNITASARI, Duwi (International Peer-Reviewed Journal, 2020-08-05)
      This study examines financial stability as a system that has a crucial role in the economy. The financial system can increase the capacity of the national economy. However, in that role, it is necessary to remember ...
    • Financing and Institutional Models of Soy Products 

      ZAINURI, Zainuri; SALEH, Mohammad; HISAMUDDIN, Nur; MAHARDIYANTO, Agus (ISSRD FISIP UNEJ, 2018-12-05)
      Discourse on the development of soybean processed products is important to study because besides being able to uncover the question related to the low productivity of soybean cultivation also gives a clue as to why soybean ...
    • Financing Card Based on Murabahah Contract: The Legal Implications on a Credit Card 

      Tektona, Rahmadi Indra (2019-01-02)
      The development in the economic sector is influencing the development of banking products. One of the many products that is commonly used is credit card. In this context, The use of credit cards practically bring some ...
    • Financing, Cash Flow, Risk, Profitability And Islamic Social Responsibility Of Islamic Banks In Indonesia 

      This study aims to examine the effect of financing, cash flow on Islamic social responsibility with financing risk, profitability asintervening variables in sharia commercial banks in Indonesia for the period 2015-2018. ...
    • Finding the Truth Behind The Language 

      MUJI, Muji (Pancaran Pendidikan FKIP Universitas Jember, Vol. 8, No. 3, Page 1-8, August, 2019, 2019-08-01)
      Finding the truth of the behavior expressed through language is not easy. It is due to the meaningless expression that the speaker tends to use. It often appears irrelevant as the first intention was A, but the meaning ...
    • Firecrackers Eyes Injury Cases Reports 

      CAHYANA, Nugraha Wahyu (European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 2022-03-01)
      We here report three cases of boys aged 5, 8 and 10 years with injuries caused by firecrackers. Injuries consist of characteristic burns from explosions or sparks, indicating the injury was caused by firecrackers. The ...
    • Firm Performance in Control Corporate Governance 

      This study analyzes the influence of corporate governance on state-owned companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Where this research data uses purposive sampling method for data collection. And this data sampling ...
    • First Aid Guideline (FAG): A First Aid Education Application for Children Aged 11-14 Years in Indonesia 

      EKAPRASETIA, Feri; KRISTIANTO, Heri; SUSANTO, Tantut (2019-03-18)
      Objectives: In Indonesia, the prevalence of injuries among children aged 5e 14 years is high. Such injuries are generally caused by unsafe school-related factors and a lack of education about first aid. Thus, it is ...
    • The First Investigation of Microplastics Contamination in Estuarine Located in Puger District, Jember Regency, Indonesia 

      ARIYUNITA, Selvi; DHOKHIKAH, Yeny; SUBCHAN, Wachju (Jurnal Riset Biologi dan Aplikasinya, 2021-03-02)
      Microplastics are harmful to the ecosystem and need to solve immediately. Detection of microplastic contamination is the first step to reduce plastics pollution. Estuarine in Puger has a high potential for microplastic ...
    • A First Order Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Composite Indicators of Teaching Talent for Teacher Trainees Students 

      Mutrofin, Mutrofin; Irvan, Muhtadi (2017-07-20)
      The purpose of this study is to develop composite indicators of Teaching Talent (TT) for teacher trainees students, and verify the fit of the indicators with empirical data. There are three stages to be taken in this ...
    • Fiscal Health in Local Government Based on Soft System 

      Suryawati, Dina; Suryono, Agus; Saleh, Choirul; Muluk, Mujibur Rahman Khairul (2019-07-30)
      The purpose of this paper is to identify problems and construct a conceptual model related to the local fiscal health condition. The local fiscal health condition is highly dependent on many factors, indicating that local ...
    • Fiscal Health in Local Government Based on Soft System 

      SURYAWATI, Dina; SURYONO, Agus; SALEH, Choirul; MULUK, Mujibur Rahman Khairul (Journal of Economics and Policy, 2018-09-02)
      The purpose of this paper is to identify problems and construct a conceptual model related to the local fiscal health condition. The local fiscal health condition is highly dependent on many factors, indicating that local ...
    • Fitoremediasi Air Limbah Laboratorium Analitik Universitas Jember Dengan Pemanfaatan Tanaman Eceng Gondok Dan Lembang 

      NOVITA, Elida; WAHYUNINGSIH, Sri; JANNAH, Dwi Andriana Na’imatul; PRADANA, Hendra Andiananta (BIOTEKNOLOGI & BIOSAINS INDONESIA, 2020-06-01)
      Air limbah laboratorium analitik di Universitas Jember mengandung bahan organik dan anorganik yang bersifat mudah diuraikan maupun toksik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membandingkan kemampuan reduksi polutan oleh eceng ...
    • Five New Ways to Prove a Pythagorean Theorem 

      LAILY, Nurul; HOBRI, Hobri; DAFIK, Dafik (International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS), [Vol-4, Issue-7, July- 2017], 2017-07-01)
      Pythagoras is one of the mathematicians who developed the basic theories of mathematics. One of his taunts that are well-known even by primary school students is a Pythagorean Theorem. This theorem states that in a ...