Now showing items 575-594 of 7292

    • Android-Based Comic Of Biotechnology For Senior High School Students 

      The purpose of this study is to develop a valid comic based android on biotechnology topics for senior high school students of class XII. Its development uses the ADDIE model, which consists of five stages, namely analysis, ...
    • Anemia and Fatigue in Patients With Chronic Kidney Failure 

      MAISYAROH, Arista; M. MASLUFIN, M. Maslufin; FIBRIYANTI, Dwi Ochta; WIDIANTO, Eko Prasetya; KURNIANTO, Syaifuddin (Jurnal Kesehatan Manarang, 2024-04-01)
      Gagal ginjal kronis mengakibatkan gangguan fungsi ginjal dalam menghilangkan sisa metabolisme dan mengatur keseimbangan cairan dan elektrolit secara efektif. Penumpukan limbah metabolit diduga berdampak pada terjadinya ...
    • Anesthetic Management in Cerebellopontine Angle Tumor (CPA) Removal Patients 

      GEMAWAN, Taufiq; HANDOKO, Adelia; PRATAMA, Rizal Hadi; WIBISONO, Renaldi (Jurnal Health Sains, 2023-06)
      Introduction : Cerebellopontine Angle Tumor (CPA) is the most common type of tumor found in the posterior fossa. Without a proper anesthetic approach, this can increase the risk of brain edema and hemorrhage due to ...
    • ANGELS Rating System for Islamic Banking Industry in Indonesia 

      Oktaviansyah, Hendrik Tri; Roziq, Ahmad; Sulistiyo, Agung Budi (2018-12-26)
      This study aims to analyze the bank soundness assessment using ANGELS approach in Islamic bank. This research is a qualitative research. This research uses a non-interactive qualitative approach that is an analysis ...
    • Anggaran Sebagai Alat Pengendalian Biaya pada Pabrik Es Sumberkolak Situbondo 

      ISLAMIYAH, Nur; TOHA, Akhmad; SISBINTARI, Ika (Jurnal Strategi dan Bisnis, 2020-10-01)
      Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis anggaran sebagai alat pengendalian biaya pada Pabrik Es Sumberkolak Situbondo dengan menggunakan data anggaran dan realisasi anggaran tahun 2017-2019. Jenis penelitian yang ...
    • Angiogenesis pada Dental Granuloma dan Kista Radikuler 

      Nuryana, Elis Farida; Kusumawardani, Banun; Syafriadi, Mei (2016-05-19)
      The presence of metal or wire in the acrylic plate affects the transverse deflection strength (TDS) of the plate. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of various wire bending configurations on TDS of the ...
    • Angka Kejadian Diabetes Mellitus Pada Lansia Middle Age di Masa Pandemi COVID-19 

      KURDI, Fahruddin; ABIDIN, Zainal; SURYA, Vespan Candra; ANGGRAENI, Nabila Cindy; ALYANI, Diwali Sukma; RISKIYANTI, Villyana (Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan (Scientifics Journal of Nursing), 2021-10-04)
      Kelompok lanjut usia merupakan kelompok yang sangat beresiko mengalami morbiditas dan mortalitas akibat COVID-19 dengan berbagai komorbiditas salah satu diantaranya diabetes mellitus. Upaya promotif dan preventif ...
    • Animal model of contusion compression spinal cord injury by Yasargil aneurysm clip 

      SEMITA, I Nyoman; UTOMO, Dwikora Novembri; SUROTO, Heri Suroto; GANDI, Parama (Bali Medical Journal, 2023-04-01)
      Animal spinal cord injury (SCI) models have shown to be invaluable in better understanding the mechanisms related to traumatic SCI and evaluating the effectiveness of experimental therapeutic interventions. The use of ...
    • Annales School of History: Its Origins, Development and contributions 

      NAWIYANTO, Nawiyanto; HANDNIAYA, Sri Ana; SALINDRI, Dewi (IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science, 2022-05-01)
      This article discusses the Annales school of history. It deals with the background, central figures in the movement, and their influences on the historical writing. It is argued that the Annales school fought against ...
    • Anopheles Microbiota in Malaria Vector and the Effect On Parasite Transmission 

      AGUSTIN, Dita Paramytha; ERLAMBANG, Berlian Permata Dewi; CAHYANTI, Cizein Tri; WATHON, Syubbanul; OKTARIANTI, Rike; SENJARINI, Kartika (Bioedukasi, 2021-10-31)
      Malaria is a vector-transmitted disease with a high number of cases. Plasmodium parasites are transmitted from the body of the Anopheles mosquito to the host through several mosquito organs, including the salivary glands ...
    • Another Antimagic Conjecture 

      SIMANJUNTAK, Rinovia; NADEAK, Tamaro; YASIN, Fuad; WIJAYA, Kristiana; HINDING, Nurdin; SUGENG, Kiki Ariyanti (SYMMETRY, 2021-11-02)
      An antimagic labeling of a graph G is a bijection f : E(G) → {1, . . . , |E(G)|} such that the weights w(x) = ∑y∼x f(y) distinguish all vertices. A well-known conjecture of Hartsfield and Ringel (1990) is that every ...

      Sulistiyo, Agung Budi (2016-01-05)
      Tujuan paper ini berupaya untuk merelasikan antara konsep berperang sun tzu, akuntansi dan sustainabilitas organisasi. Intisari konsep perang Sun Tzu adalah "menang tanpa bertempur" yang dipakai sebagai rerangka dan alat ...
    • Antarctic Moss Biflavonoids Show High Antioxidant and UltravioletScreening Activity 

      Waterman, Melinda J.; Nugraha, Ari Satia; Hendra, Rudi; Ball, Graham E.; Robinson, Sharon A.; Keller, Paul A. (2018-01-15)
      Ceratodon purpureus is a cosmopolitan moss that survives some of the harshest places on Earth: from frozen Antarctica to hot South Australian deserts. In a study on the survival mechanisms of the species, nine compounds ...
    • Antecedent Variables of Dividend Policy in Public Manufacturing Companies:Case in Indonesia 

      KUSTONO, Alwan Sri (International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development, 2020-09-01)
      The purpose of this study was to determine the antecedent variables of dividend policy. The independent variables are earnings management, managerial ownership, and free cash flow. The sample was taken by using a purposive ...
    • Antena Mikrostrip Double E-Shaped dengan Frekuensi 3,3 GHz untuk Aplikasi WiMax 

      MUTMAINNAH, Mutmainnah; OCTAVINA, Choirina Rachma Nur; ROHMAN, Lutfi; FIRDAUS, Rohim Aminullah (2022-07-27)
      Antena mikrostrip double E-shaped untuk aplikasi WiMax melalui proses simulasi dan fabrikasi telah berhasil dirancang. Perancangan desain antena mikrostrip ini menggunakan bahan substrat FR-4 lossy dengan ketebalan 1,6 ...
    • Anteseden Keahlian Operator Sistem Pengelolaan Aset Desa di Kabupaten Situbondo 

      KUSTONO, Alwan Sri (EL MUHASABA: Jurnal Akuntansi, 2021-01-01)
      Sistem Pengelolaan Aset Desa (SIPADES) is a village asset administration recording application. This application provides orderly administrative facilities for the village so that the risk of losing assets can be reduced. ...
    • Anthelmintic and antimicrobial activities of three new depsides and ten known depsides and phenols from Indonesian lichen: Parmelia cetrata Ach. 

      NUGRAHA, Ari Satia; UNTARI, Ludmilla Fitri; LAUB, Annegret; PORZEL, Andrea; FRANGKE, Katrin; WESSJOHANN, Ludger A. (NATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH, 2020-05-06)
      An extensive phytochemical study of a foliose lichen from Indonesia, Parmelia cetrata, resulted in the successful isolation of 13 phenol and depside derivatives (1–13) including the previously unreported depsides ...
    • Anthropocentric theology in a biopic film : A study of the islamic Conception of k.H. Hasyim asy’ari In the film Sang kiai 

      KARTIKA, Bambang Aris (Capture Jurnal Seni Media Rekam, 2022-12-01)
      Film Sang Kiai diciptakan berbasis pada sejarah biografi seorang tokoh yang berpengaruh dan berperan terhadap terjadinya peristiwa besar sejarah yaitu Pertempuran Surabaya 10 November 1945. Film ini mengisahkan K.H. ...
    • Anti-Adipogenic Compound From Guazuma Ulmifolia Leaf 

      NURI, Nuri; PRAJOGO, Bambang; NUGRAHA, Ari Satia; SUKARDIMAN, Sukardiman (Research J. Pharm. and Tech, 2020-01-01)
      The purpose of this research was to test the anti-adipogenic activity and to identify the active compound of the leaf of Guazuma ulmifolia. The activity of anti-adipogenic of the compound of G. ulmifolia leaf was tested ...
    • Anti-Cancer Evaluation of Depsides Isolated from Indonesian Folious Lichens: Physcia Millegrana, Parmelia Dilatata and Parmelia Aurulenta 

      NUGRAHA, Ari Satia; LAKSONO, Tinton Agung; FIRLI, Lilla Nur; PUTRI, Chintya Permata Zahky Sukrisno; PRATOKO, Dwi Koko; ZULFIKAR, Zulfikar; UNTARI, Ludmilla Fitri; WONGSO, Hendris; LAMBERT, Jacob M.; DILLON, Carolyn T.; KELLER, Paul A. (Biomolecules, 2020-10-01)
      Cancer is a serious health burden on global societies. The discovery and development of new anti-cancer therapies remains a challenging objective. Although it has been shown that lichen secondary metabolites may be potent ...