Electronic funds transfer that cover transaction automatic teller machine
(atm), fund transfer, and credit card transaction, be bank service activities in fund
transfer. basically transaction by using electronic funds transfer differs from
payment transaction conventionally that done by using paper (paper) so in
electronic funds transfer uses electronic media.
This thesis discussion covers three principal troubleshoots that is how
does contractual terms between bank as service service giver electronic funds
transfer with the customers. second how does law protection forms for service
user customer electronic funds transfer especially in atm, credit card, and fund
transfer. third how does completion efforts if happen disagreement between
customer and bank side in service use eft.
This watchfulness discussion result shows contractual terms between
bank as service service giver electronic funds transfer with service user customer
found right and duty in each side because base it agreement, good in transaction
passes atm, also credit card. only customer position has presented on the side of
weak even if carry out all the duty because they must at one's feet of agreement
its for standard, so that there is no position bargains again towards agreement
contents clausal.
As law protection form towards customer, appear rule normative as
arranged in section 29 verse (4) uu. banking the kernel obligates bank to prepare
information about possibility incidence loss risk, section 17 verse (3) uu. 11/2008
about information and transakai electronic that burden electronic system exertion
responsibility in administrator, and also indonesia bank director letter of
appointment no. 27/164/piece/mer/1995 about information system use by bank
that obligate to bank management to apply supervision system principles and
pacification towards application system use that contain tall risk, and also law
no. 8 year 1999 about consumerism.
Completion efforts if happen disagreement between service user customer
eft with bank can be goed two stripes that is: stripe non litigasi and stripe litigasi.
stripe non litigasi can cover peace/meeting manner, konsiliasi, mediasi and or
also arbitration. to watch over bank credibility so appropriate indonesia bank
rules no. 10/1/pbi/2008, disagreement is strived for finished to pass mediasi.
when does manners not reached so disagreement completion be can be done to
pass stripe litigasi can be do to pass court trades or district court
- MT-Science of Law [334]