Myanmar’s Worsening Rohingya Crisis: A Call for Responsibility to Protect and ASEAN’s Response
iolence accompanied by a discriminatory state policy continues to
place Myamar’s Rohingya at risk of mass atrocity crimes. The United Nations
(UN) has classified the Rohingya among血e world’s most persecuted minorities・ A
democratized Myanmar failed to protect瓜e Rohingya from violence and human
insecurity. The implication of血e violence has also spilled over into neighbouhng
countries in Sou血east Asia. Regional responses throughout血e Association of
Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) are thus inevital)1e. Al血ough ASEAN has
issues related to preserving sovereignty and non-interference and could not neces-
sarily intervene血rough coercive measures’ASEAN could provide a framework
through血e ASEAN Political-Security Community (APSC) to assist Myanmar in
ful刷Iing its pnmary responsibility to address the violence in the Rakhine State.
This chapter suggests that ASEAN utilize a comprehensive approach to handling
the Rohingya crisis comprised of two levels of actions. Firstly, ASEAN supports the
new democratized Myarmar in fulfilling血e Responsibility to Protect (RtoP).
Secondly,血rough血e framework of APSC, ASEAN should ensure that the funda-
mental principles of血e RtoP can be in line with ASEAN development in Political-
Security Community.
- LSP-Books [911]