Hubungan Persepsi Keluarga tentang Perawatan di ruang Intensif dengan Kecemasan pada Keluarga Pasien di Ruang Intensif RSU dr. H. Koesnadi Bondowoso
The difference situation between daily life and the intensive care environment
must be faced by the family. Moreover the health worker focuses on the patient‘s
care, makes the family feel stress, depression, and high anxiety. This study aimed
to analyze the correlation between family perception about intensive care with
anxiety of patient’s families in intensive care unit dr. H. Koesnadi Bondowoso.
This study used the correlation study with descriptive analytic type and cross-
sectional approach with 95% CI. The result showed that of 84 patient’s families
who was included in this research, 51 (60,7%) had good perception about care in
intensive care. 34 (40,5%) patient’s families had mild anxiety, 27 (32,1%) didn’t
have anxiety, 17 (20,2%) had moderate anxiety, and 6 (7,1%) had severe anxiety.
Therefore, there was a low correlation between family perception and anxiety of
patient’s families (p = 0,001, and r = -0,367). The negative direction showed that
a good perception will reduce anxiety. If individuals perceive these services as
something unpleasant, it makes them fell uncomfortable and cause anxiety. It is
important for nurses to do orientation about environment so they have positive
perception to reduce family’s anxiety.
- UT-Faculty of Nursing [1564]