Improving the Eight Grade Students’ Active Participation and Their Recount Text Reading Comprehension Achievement by Using Composite Pictures in Jember
This Classroom Action Research was intended to improve the eighth grade
students’ participation and their recount text reading comprehension achievement
by using composite picture at SMPN 1 Rambipuji, Jember in the 2017/2018
Academic Year. Based on the preliminary study in the form of interview with the
English teacher of SMPN 1 Rambipuji Jember, it was known that the students of
class VIII-F had difficulties in comprehending a reading text, because they could
not catch the point from the text. Besides, the students also did not participate the
classroom actively during the teaching learning process of reading. From the last
English test, it was known that only 17 of 34 students who got score at least 75
while the rest did not achieve the passing grade score that was 75. The researcher
tried to overcome the problem by using composite picture as the teaching medium
in teaching reading a recount text.
To get the primary data, the researcher used reading comprehension test
and observation in the form of checklist as the data collection methods. The data
were analyzed statistically. The action was implemented in one cycle and it was
done in three meetings. The results of observation showed that the percentage of
students’ participation improved from 72% in meeting 1 to 81% in meeting 2 of
cycle 1. It means that the results of the students’ participation in cycle 1 had
achieved the criteria of success of this research. Then, related to the reading
comprehension achievement test in cycle 1, the result of the students who passed
the reading comprehension test was 76% or 26 students of 34 students. This result
indicated that the target of this research had achieved in cycle 1. Therefore, the
cycle was stopped.
Based on the result of this research, it was found that the use of composite
picture could improve the students’ reading comprehension achievement as well
as their active participation during the teaching learning process of reading
comprehension at SMPN 1 Rambipuji Jember in the 2017/2018 academic year.
The use of composite picture could help the students to understand the text easily,
since the composite picture had much information and also could give an
illustration about the story to the students. Therefore, in this research, the
researcher suggested the English teacher to use composite picture as the medium
in teaching reading in order to make the students motivated in learning reading