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dc.contributor.advisorSUNDARI, Siti
dc.contributor.advisorADI AT, Made
dc.contributor.authorROHMAWATI, Sella
dc.description.abstractThis classroom action research was intended to imrpove the eleventh grade students’ vocabulary mastery by using Mobile Dictionary. Based on the preliminary study conducted by the researcher in the form of interview with the English teacher at MAN 1 Jember, it was known that the eleventh MIPA 1 grade students had difficulties in vocabulary since their vocabulary scores were mostly below 75. The students experienced difficulties by using the traditional method in vocabulary. Besides, some students do not bring their own dictionary. They always say that they forget to bring the dictionary. As a result, some students who do not bring a dictionary got difficulties in following the vocabulary teaching learning process. As the conclusion, students have problems dealing with their learning strategy and motivation. There were only 12 students who had achieved the standard score, while 22 students got scores below 75. In other words, only 35,3% students achieved the standard score (75). Thus, the researcher tried to overcome the students’ problem in vocabulary by using Mobile Dictionary as a tool in teaching vocabulary. The data of this research were collected from interview, vocabulary test, observation and documentation. The participants were the eleventh MIPA 1 grade students of MAN 1 Jember consisting of 34 students in the academic year 2018/2019. The researcher chose the eleventh of MIPA 1 grade students as the research participants because of the consideration that the eleventh MIPA 1 grade students of MAN 1 Jember have the lowest score of vocabulary mastery and have difficulties in mastering vocabulary. Besides, the eleventh MIPA 1 grade students had lack of confidence, so they become not active during teaching learning process. This research was done in two cycles in which each cycle covered four stages; they are planning, acting, analyzing and reflecting. There were two evaluations of this research, namely process evaluation and product evaluation. The process evaluation was intended to know the percentage of the students’ participation. While the product evaluation was intended to measure the students’ vocabulary mastery after they were given the actions. Due to the result of the students’ participation, it was found that the students’ participation was improved. It could be seen in Cycle 1, the percentage of the students who were active was 75.75% and 81.6% in Cycle 2. The result of the students’ participation was successful because it was more than 75% of the students were active. Further, the result of the students’ vocabulary mastery also imrpoved in Cycle 1 and Cycle 2. It was found that the students’ mean score of vocabulary mastery test improved from 72.2 in the previous vocabulary score to 76.9 in Cycle 1 and 82.5 in Cycle 2. Besides, the percentage of the students who got score at least 75 improved from 35.3% in the previous vocabulary score to 82.4% in Cycle 1 and 88.2% in Cycle 2. In conclusion, the vocabulary mastery test result had achieved the target criteria that were expected in this research that was at least 75% of the students achieved the minimum requirement of the standard score that was 75. Based on the explanation above, it could be concluded that the use of Mobile Dictionary as a teaching media could help the eleventh MIPA 1 grade students of MAN 1 Jember to improve their participation and their vocabulary mastery.en_US
dc.subjectUsing Mobile Dictionaryen_US
dc.titleImproving the Eleventh Grade Students’ Vocabulary Mastery by Using Mobile Dictionaryen_US

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