Gambaran Perilaku Temper Tantrum Pada Anak Autis di Slb - B dan Autis TPA Kabupaten Jember
People with autism have a temper tantrum in the form of walking back and
forth, expressing emotions by behaving crying out tears continuously with a
duration that up to a day, crying while screaming, expressing anger by hitting
(hitting yourself, others and hitting objects around them ), throwing objects and
biting fingers, and banging the head. The general objective of this study was to
determine temper tantrum behavior in autistic children in SLB-B and TPA Autism
in Jember Regency. This research uses descriptive exploratory research method
with cross sectional approach. The sample of this study was 31 respondents aged
7-19 years. The instrument in this study was the Tempertantrum questionnaire
where there were 31 questions that were declared valid, the questionnaire had 4
answers. The results showed that the age of autistic children was at most 13 years
on average. The highest sex in the study was 24 boys (77.4%). In this study 20
autistic children (64.5%) did therapy and 11 autistic children (35.5%) did not
take therapy. The highest level of education is elementary school with 21 autistic
children (67.7%). The description of the tempertantrum behavior of autistic
children getting tempertantrum results in autistic children is in the high category
where 15 children (48.4%) showed high temperantrum and 28 children (90.3%)
showed high temporal temperaments. Therefore, it is possible if the
tempertantrum of autistic children is included in the high category, then children
with autism will be increasingly out of control and will endanger the autistic child
itself and those around him.
- UT-Faculty of Nursing [1564]