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dc.contributor.authorWardani, Elva Ayu
dc.description.abstractThis study examined the character education values in the English textbook for the twelfth grade senior high school students: Bahasa Inggris SMA/SMK. This study was intended to support what the government said that character education values should be included in teaching and learning process including the books use. There are eighteen character education values based on the 2013 Curriculum provided by The Ministry of Education and Culture of Republic Indonesia (2010) covering religious, honest, tolerant, disciplined, hardworking, creative, independent, democratic, curious, nationalistic, patriotic, appreciative, communicative, peace loving, fond of reading, environment aware, socially aware and responsible. Lysa (2013) claims that textbooks can be used as a teaching materials to implement character education values to the students. It is expected that textbooks can influence the students’ characters because of the information shown. Prismarani (2014) argue most English textbooks do not contain many character education values even when they are presented with color, pictures and quality paper. It can be said that the implementation of character education especially provided in the textbook needs to be continually examined to check its appropriateness and availability. The present study analyzed the speaking script from the English textbook by using content analysis, for analysing the data the present study applied the instrument that has been been established its validity and reliability. In this research, the establisment of the validity was done by asking the interaters to read and understand the research instrument. In addition the establishment of reliability was done by asking interaters to analyze one speaking script by applying the instrument provided. The finding showed that there are seventeen character education values presented in the speaking script from the English textbook: Bahasa Inggris SMA/SMK for the Twelfth Grade Senior High School Students covering socially aware, responsible, discipline, communicative, hardworking, creative, environment aware, independent, curious, tolerant, fond of reading, honest, democratic, appreciative, and religious. On the other hand, the values which is not presented in the speaking script is peace loving.en_US
dc.publisherFakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Jemberen_US
dc.subjectEducation Values in the Englishen_US
dc.subjectHigh School Studentsen_US
dc.titleAnalysis of Character Education Values in the English Textbook for the Twelfth Grade Senior High School Students: Bahasa Inggris SMA/SMKen_US

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