Improving The Seventh Grade Students’ Achievement In Writing Descriptive Text By Using Brainstorming Technique
This classroom action research was intended to help the students to
conceptualize their plan before writing; assist the students to draft and revise their
text; to improve the VII C grade students’ writing achievement by using
brainstorming technique at SMPN 1 Bangorejo, Banyuwangi. The Preliminary
study was conducted in the form of interview with the English teacher of SMPN 1
Bangorejo. It was known that the seventh grade students of SMPN 1 Bangorejo,
especially the VII C grade still had difficulty in writing a descriptive text. They
were confused in finding, generating, and expressing their ideas into a descriptive
text. There were only 30% students from 28 students who got ≥70. Thus, the
researcher tried to overcome the problem by using brainstorming technique in
teaching writing a descriptive text.