Enhancing Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement by Using Think-Pair-Share (TPS) Technique at SMA Nurul Islam Jember
This classroom action research was intended to enhance the tenth grade (X
MIA 1) students’ reading comprehension achievement of recount text and their
participation at SMA Nurul Islam Jember. Based on the result of preliminary
study at SMA Nurul Islam Jember, it was known that the students of X MIA 1 had
difficulties in reading comprehension. The students of X MIA 1 had difficulties in
comprehending a text, less motivation to read the text, less motivation to look for
the meaning of difficult words in dictionary, lack of vocabularies, passive in
reading activity, and they do not show positive attitude during reading activity.
They also got low score in the reading comprehension achievement. Based on the
result of documentation from SMA Nurul Islam Jember, there were only 4
students who achieved the standard score that was 75, while 27 students got
scores below 75. Thus the research tried to overcome the students’ problem in
reading by using Think-Pair-Share (TPS) technique as a technique in teaching
reading. In this research, the researcher collected the data using observation
checklist and the reading comprehension test. The data were analyzed
quantitatively to know the result of the students’ reading comprehension
achievement and their participation after conducting the research. The action was
implemented in two cycles in order to achieve the criteria of success. In each
cycle, there were 2 meeting and a test.
The result of the students’ participation in each meeting in cycle 1 showed
improvement. In the first meeting of cycle 1, there were 64.52% or 20 students of
31 students who participated actively in teaching and learning process. In the
second meeting of cycle 1, there were 77.42% or 24 students of 31 students who
actively participated during teaching and learning process of reading. The average
results of the students’ participation in meeting 1 and meeting 2 of cycle 1 was
70.97%. Thus, it could be concluded that the results of students’ active
participation in cycle 1 did not fulfill the target percentage of the research, that
was 75% of the students involved actively in the class. In addition, the results of
the reading comprehension test in cycle 1 showed that there were 41.94% or 13
students of 31 students achieved the target scores ≥75. It means that the results of
the reading comprehension test in cycle 1 had not achieved the target percentage
of the research, that was 75% of the students got score ≥75 in reading
comprehension test.
Based on the results in cycle 1, the research did the reflection to revise
some problems found in cycle1; therefore, cycle 2 was needed to be conducted.
The data showed that there was better improvement in the students’ participation
and also the use of TPS technique proved that it consistently improved the
students’ comprehension in the reading test of cycle 2. The average percentage of
the students’ participation in the first meeting and the second meeting of cycle 2
increased from 70.97% in cycle 1 to 88.71% in cycle 2. Thus, it can be said that
the results of the students’ participation had achieved the target percentage of the
research. Furthermore, the results of the students’ reading comprehension test in
cycle 2 also showed the consistency of improvement. There were 80.65% or 25
students of 31 students achieved the target score ≥75 and 19.35% or 6 students of
31 students got score ≤75. The results of the students reading comprehension test
increased from 41.94% in cycle 1 to 80.65% in cycle 2. It can be concluded that
the results of the students’ participation and reading comprehension test in cycle 2
had achieved the research objectives, so the research was successful.
Based on the results of the research, it can be said that Think-Pair-Share
(TPS) technique could improve the X MIA 1 students’ of SMA Nurul Islam
Jember to enhance their participation and their reading comprehension
achievement. By considering the results of the research, it is suggested for the
English teacher to use Think-Pair-Share technique to enhance the students’
reading comprehension achievement and their active participation. The results of
this research could also be as a source of information for the future researchers
who want to conduct a further research by applying the same research design to
increase the students’ reading skill or the other language skills with different
participants and different schools.