The Effect of Using Power Strategy on Senior High School Students Descriptive Text Writing Achievement
Based on the result of hypothesis testing and discussion on the previous chapter, it can be concluded that the use of POWER strategy has a significant effect on the students‟ descriptive text writing achievement at SMA Negeri Kalisat. It indicated from the students‟ mean score on the post-test. It showed that the students who were taught by using POWER strategy got a better score than the students in control group who did not receive POWER strategy. It can be seen from the mean score of the post-test. The mean score of posttest in experimental group was 75.7292 while the mean score of control class was 69.4722. In addition, based on the sig. value of independent sample t-test, the significance value was 0.066 (higher than 0.05). It means that there was a significant effect of using POWER strategy on the tenth grade of science students‟ descriptive text writing achievement at SMA Negeri Kalisat.
- MT-Linguistic [66]