Gambaran Persepsi Mahasiswa Profesi Ners tentang Peran Pembimbing Klinik di Rumah Sakit
Nursing student perceptions about the role of clinical instructor are a result of
student feeling in organizing and interpreting their sensory impressions of the
expected behavior of the clinical instructor. This study to know the description of
nursing student perceptions about the role of clinical instructor in hospitals. This
type of study uses descriptive research to describe the nursing students
perceptions about the role of clinical instructor in hospitals and taking samples of
nursing student as many as 130 students. Sampling in this study used total
sampling. The results of the study showed an average score of 52.38 with an
achievement percentage of 82.81%. Each indicator has an average value and
percentage of achievement, like as educator as much as 20.02 (85.42%), role
models as much as 16.42 (85%), and socialisators as much as 15.94 (80%).
Students perceive the role of educator as a role that is often given and felt directly
by nursing professional student. Students assume that clinical instructor have
implemented a teaching method and have a positive effect on themselves in the
clinical learning process at hospital. While also students perceive the role of
socialisator as a role that is not much impact for nursing student and clinical
instructor expected should know how to improve the role clinical practices
learning implementation.
- UT-Faculty of Nursing [1529]