Enhancing Vocational High School Students’ Listening Comprehension Achievement and Their Participation through You Tube Animation Video
This classroom action research was conducted to enhance the vocational
high school students’ listening comprehension achievement. Based on the
preliminary study that was conducted at SMKN 1 Banyuwangi, East Java,
Indonesia, the researcher found that most of the students still faced difficulties in
the listening session. It was known from the information given by the English
teachers and the result of the pretest. Based on the result of the pretest, it was known
that X APK 2 got the lowest mean score than the others. Moreover, based on the
interview that was done with the English teacher, it was revealed that there were
some problems which influence the students’ listening comprehension, those are:
students cannot catch the meaning of the recording or the text that is spoken by the
teacher clearly, lack of vocabularies and lack of English subject session because of
their curriculum, it is only done six meetings in a month. Furthermore, You Tube
animation video was chosen to enhance the students’ listening comprehension
achievement and their participation.
This research was done in two cycles in order to check the consistency of
the research result. Each cycle covered two meetings of implementation and a
meeting of a listening test. The observation checklist consisted of 4 indicators,
namely 1) The students watched the video attentively (making eye- contact with the
video and by looking their facial expression), 2) The students took a note while
watching the video, 3) The students answered the teacher’s questions, 4) The
students gave oral feedback or commented about the video to the teacher. The
students were categorized as active students if they fulfilled at least 3 indicators.
The observation result in Cycle 1 showed that 89% the students participated in teaching learning process actively. Then, the mean score of XI APK 2 was 76.2
improved 11.5. Meanwhile, the percentage of the students who got score at least 75
was 78.1% improved 62.5%. It meant, Cycle 1 fulfilled the criteria of success of
this research. Although it had achieved the criteria of success, the researcher
decided to conduct the second cycle to check the students’ consistency.
The result of Cycle 2 showed better result than that of Cycle 1. Based on the
observation in Cycle 2, it was found that 96.9% of the students participated in the
class actively. It improved 7.9% from Cycle 1. Then, the mean score of XI APK 2
was 79, it improved 2.8 from Cycle 1. Meanwhile, the percentage of the students
who got score at least 75 was 90.6%, it improved 12.5% from Cycle 1.
Based on the result of this research using You Tube animation video, it
could be concluded that the use of You Tube animation video could enhance the
vocational high school students’ listening comprehension achievement and their