Financial crisis that surged the Europe in 2008 as the cause of U.S. A. financial crisis
in 2007 gave domino effect for Europe zone economy arrangement. The existence of
depending on each other between countries made the effect of the Europe crisis
became spreading to the members of Uni Europe country, including Portugal. This
Europe crisis caused by stuck credit in U.S.A. as the cause of property business sector
disintegrated became the early unsteady of Portugal economy. The emptiness of cash
back up in Uni Europe banks as the result of fund stuck credit made Portugal difficult
to get fund aid to prop up its economy that was deficit by 9,3%, a number that was
still faraway from deficit maximum target as a term of Uni Europe membership.
Economy Structure that was used to depend on foreign loan made Portugal become
difficult to arise when global crisis surge it. Foreign debt and also deficit level that
kept increasing pushed Prime Ministry Jose Socrates to make policy plan of budget
cutting and tax rising. Yet the policy plan got refusal from internal (internal demand)
and international environment (external demand). The refusal pushed Prime Ministry
Jose Socrates to cancel his money saving policy plan and then followed by his
resignation as Portugal Prime Ministry on March 24
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