Improving the Eleventh Grade Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement Through Jigsaw Iv Technique at Man 2 Jember
This classroom action research was intended to improve the eleventh IPS 3
grade students’ reading comprehension achievement by using jigsaw IV technique
at MAN 2 Jember. Based on the preliminary study in the form of interview with
the English teacher of MAN 2 Jember, it was found that the eleventh IPS 3 grade
students had problem in reading comprehension. It happened because during the
teaching reading activity the teacher only asks the students to read the text aloud
and do the exercises by themselves. However, this technique did not seem to be
effective to be implemented. It made the students not enthusiasm in reading
activity. In addition, students face some difficulties in understanding a text such as
the unfamiliar vocabularies and the minimum background knowledge about the
topic. It was proved by looking at their percentage reading score 6,45% which
was the lowest among the other eleventh grade classes. The researcher and the
English teacher tried to overcome the problem by using Jigsaw technique as the
teaching technique in teaching reading.
The data collection methods used reading comprehension test and the
observation in the form of checklist to get the primary data which were analysed
statistically, while the result of observation counted using percentage and interpret
it based on observation indicators. The action was implemented in two cycles in
order to achieve the criteria of success of this classroom action research and to
check the consistency of the research result. Each cycle covered two meetings of
the action implementation and one meeting for administering the test. The
observation results in Cycle 1 showed that there were 83.82% students were
actively involved during the teaching and learning process. Besides, the
percentage of the students who achieved the minimum of standard score
significantly increased into to 77,4%. In other words, Cycle 1 fulfilled the criteria
of success. It says so because there were 77,4% students got reading score 75 or
higher. Then, the action was still continued to Cycle 2 to check the consistency of
the students’ reading comprehension achievement and their active participation.
The observation results of Cycle 2 showed much better result. It was reported
that 89,95% of the students participated actively during the learning process. It
means that there was 6,15% improvement from Cycle 1 which was 83,82%. The
result of the reading achievement test above stated that the mean score of the test was 80,5. In addition, there were 25 students (83,3%) of 30 students could achieve
the standard minimum score, it was ≥75. Based on the result above, it can be
concluded that the use of Jigsaw IV technique could improve the eleventh IPS 3
grade students’ reading comprehension achievement and their active participation.