Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Transformasional Terhadap Social Competence, Self-Efficacy, Burnout Dan Kinerja Perawat Rumah Sakit Swasta Di Kabupaten Jember
Human resources managed by hospitals in the field of health services consist of doctors and nurses. The study of the performance of private hospital nurses in Jember district, especially those related to transformational leadership, burnout, self-efficacy, social competence, which is based on the fact that nurse performance is a crucial factor that must be considered by the hospital as a whole. This study aims to analyze the effect of transformational leadership on nurse performance with intervening social competence, self-efficacy, and burnout variables. Data analysis method used in this study is Partial Least Square (PLS), with explanatory research types. The data used is primary data obtained by survey techniques using questionnaire instruments. The population in this study were nurses of private hospitals in Jember Regency who passed the accreditation of the Hospital Accreditation Committee (KARS), with a proportional random sampling method of 160 nurses.
Based on the analysis conducted, this study provides a conclusion that transformational leadership has a significant effect on social competence, selfefficacy and burnout, and has no significant effect on nurse performance.