In general, local government budgets in Indonesia does not have a gender
perspective. The budget is more of a financial allocation of the aggregate nature, so that
human factors are socially and culturally different, even distinguished, it is not
unthinkable. This then makes policy bias. In order to avoid any gender bias, should
realize the budget gender responsive budgeting (ARG). The commitment contained in
Permendagri No. 15 of 2008 and further strengthened by the Minister of Finance
Regulation No. 104 of 2010 regulating the implementation of gender-responsive
budgeting. Research Objectives To describe and analyze the sector budget 2011
Empowerment of women and gender berspektif child protection. Types of descriptive
research with quantitative and qualitative data. Subjects Research is accountability
(accountability report) regional head Situbondo in 2011 by criticizing only the
empowerment of women and protection of children. This research study sites in the
district Situbondo. Data Collection Method In this study is secondary data. Validity
Engineering Data To obtain findings that can be accounted for, it can be done with
testing triangulation. Tringgulasi in this study can be interpreted by checking data with
multiple sources called Triangulation sources. Analysis of the data The writer uses two
techniques, namely content analysis techniques to determine the content that is being
analyzed, categorization formulation, determination of items, determining the unit of
analysis, coding, computation, data presentation, interpretation of data, analysis, and
use of data analysis made by Huberman and Miles (Idrus; 2009 : 147) is called with an
interactive model. At sector empowerment of women and protection of children who are
technically on education in the administration of this already exceeds 5% of the budget
that is 29% berspektif gender is gender responsive budgets, although there are some
activities that there is still a budget neutral gender.