The Effect Of Using Scaffolding Teaching Strategy On The Students’ Writing Achievement
This research was conducted to investigate the effect of using Scaffolding
technique on the tenth grade students‟ writing achievement at SMA Negeri 1
Rogojampi in the 2017/2018 academic year. Writing is a kind of language skill
that expects the students to produce a text or paragraphs in English. The students
have some difficulty in producing a good writing such as, generating ideas into
making their final writing. The teacher should find an effective teaching strategy
for teaching writing. Thus, the researcher conducted an experimental research by
using scaffolding teaching strategy to teach writing through the process of writing.
This strategy involved a process on the implementation, which in each step was
provided supports or assistance.
The participants of this research were the tenth grade students of SMA
Negeri 1 Rogojampi in the 2017/2018 academic year. Homogeneity was
conducted to divide the existing population (305 students) into two classes. The
data for homogenity analysis were taken from the previous English writing scores
which were given by the English teacher to the researcher. After analyzing the
students‟ previous writing scores by using One Way ANOVA in SPSS
Application, it was found that the population was homogenous. Thus, the
researcher used lottery to determine the experimental class and the control class.
The design of this research was quasi-experimental research with posttest
only design. The main data of this research were taken by using posttest that was
administered after the experimental class had received the treatment. There were
two classes involved in this research, the experimental class and the control class.
These classes received different treatment from the researcher. The experimental
class was X IPA 4. The experimental class was taught by scaffolding teaching
strategy as the treatment. Meanwhile, the control class which was X IPA 5 was
taught without using Scaffolding teaching strategy, but by using strategy that was
usually given by the teacher. After the treatment given, a posttest was
administered in both classes. It was given after both classes had been taught twice
by the researcher. The posttest was a writing test of writing a descriptive text.
The result of the posttest was analyzed by using Independent Sample Ttest
formula in SPSS application. Based on the calculation in the analysis, the
result of Levene‟s Test for Equality of Variances column, the value of significant
column was 0.001. It was lower than 0.05, which means that the variability of
both classes were heterogeneous. It means there was a significant difference
between the experimental and the control classes. In t-test for equality mean
column, it can be seen that the value of sig. (2-tailed) was 0.000 which was lower
than 0.05. It means that the null hypothesis which say “There is no a significant
effect of implementing scaffolding teaching strategy on the tenth grade students'
writing achievement” was rejected the and the alternative hypothesis which says
“There is a significant effect of implementing scaffolding teaching strategy on the
tenth grade students' writing achievement” was accepted. This result also gave a
conclusion that Scaffolding teaching strategy could be used as an effective
teaching strategy to teach writing to the students.