The Use Of Video To Improve The Eleventh-Grade Students’ Achievement In Writing A Procedure Text At Senior High School In Jember
This research was conducted in SMA Negeri Mumbulsari. The participants
were chosen purposively based on the problem in writing. That was class XI-IPA
1 that had 37 students. This class had the lowest mean score among the 3 science
classes. The score was collected from the English teacher in the preliminary study
before the implementation of this research.
This research proposed two research questions: 1). How can the video of
procedure text help students find ideas, write an outline, and rewrite the procedure
text in the video using their own words? 2). Is there any improvement on the score
of procedure text rewritten by the XI-IPA 1 students of SMA Negeri Mumbulsari
after receiving action on the use of video on procedure text? The first question
was to describe the contribution of video in assisting students in find ideas, write
an outline, and rewrite the procedure text using their own word. The second
question was to describe a quantitative result of students’ progress of students ’
achievement in writing a procedure text.
Writing test and observation were used to collect the data. The data were
obtained from writing test that were analysed by using a formula to find a
percentage of the students who achieve the criteria of the success. This research is
categorized successful if at least 70% of the total number of students get score of
the passing grade that was 70 in writing test. The data of observation were
obtained from fieldnote during teaching and learning process to collect the
contribution of video in assisting students in finding ideas, write an outline and
rewrite a procedure text by using their own word based on the video.
The result of this research showed that there was improvement of the
students writing achievement. In Cycle 1, the percentages result of students who
got score ≥70 in the writing test was 72.9 % or only 27 students of 37 students.
Moreover, in cycle 2, the percentages result of students’ writing achievement test
was 86.4% or 32 students of 37 students. It means that the percentages result of
the students’ writing achievement test improved from 72.9 % in cycle 1 to 86.4 %
in cycle 2. Therefore, the criteria of the success of this research, that was ≥70%
had been achieved and it proved that the use of video in teaching writing helpful
to improve the students’ writing achievement of procedure text. The result of
observation showed that video helped students find ideas, the video that they
watched could helped the students find and list the important vocabularies related
to material and the imperative word. Video helped students write an outline of
procedure text, by using the video students were able to write an outline of
procedure text which were: goal, material and step. The students could write the
ingredient and equipment in material part as well as the step. Video helped the
students rewrite a procedure text by using their own word based on the video
viewed, students could rewrite a procedure text with the correct orders (i.e., goal,
material, and steps). Concerning the language, the students were able to rewrite a
procedure text using their own words. For example, they could order the steps in
the procedure text by placing temporal conjunctions, such as first, second, third,
fourth, fifth, sixth, then, next, after that, finally in the beginning of sentence of a
procedure text. In addition, an outline prepared by the students also helped them
to group words related to ingredients, equipment and steps. Based on the
mentioned result, it can be concluded that video improved the eleventh-grade
students’ achievement in writing a procedure text.