Hubungan Kepemimpinan Kepala Desa dengan Efektivitas Pemungutan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan di Desa Tegal Rejo Kecamatan Mayang Kabupaten Jember
Iease represent one of the source of acceptance of very important state, one
of them land tax and building. Imposition earth effectiveness and building is not quit
of leadership of countryside head. This research lay open how relation leadership of
countryside head with earth imposition effectiveness and building.
This research use quantitative analysis method, technique analyse data the
used correlation technique of rank spearman with significance test use Test t, by
taking taxpayer sampel in countryside of Tegal Rejo district of Mayang Jember
Regency. Result of research indicate that there are relation which are positive among
leadership of countryside head with earth imposition effectiveness and building in
countryside of Tegal Rejo district of Mayang Jember Regency.