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dc.contributor.authorMOCH. SALAHUDDIN THALUT
dc.description.abstractListening is one of the language skills that is very important in foreign language learning. Hatchett and Hughes (1956:118) say children learn to listen before they learn to talk. Listening is the first language skill that children acquire. The students face many difficulties in listening class because there are so many differences between their own languages with the foreign language they learn. As a result of those problems the students feel bored, stressed, and discouraged when they are learning foreign language especially in listening class. To solve the condition above, the teacher can use media in teaching and learning activities. Here, the researcher use video clips as the media of teaching and learning process. As Hemei (1997:45) says that video is an affective teaching aid, teaching video in a class is exciting and stimulating. Moreover Lonergan (1984:1) states that video in the classroom offers exciting possibilities for language teaching and learning. This means that video can be very useful and meaningful in language learning process. The purpose of this research was to know whether or not there is a significant effect of using video clips on listening comprehension achievement among eighth grade students of MTsN Jember III in the academic year of 2010/2011. This research design was quasy experiment. It was begun from conducting homogenity test, deciding experimental class and control class, giving treatment to the experimental class, giving the same post test to the both classes, and the last analyzing the result of the post test by using t-test. The area of this research was MTsN Jember III. It was choosen because video clips had never been used by the English teacher in teaching English especially for listening activities. Based on the result of the homogenety test, class VIII A and class VIII E were chosen as experimental and control group. The result of this research showed that there was a significant effect of using videoclips on listening comprehension achievement. It was proven by the value of significant column of t-test table by using SPSS was lower than 0.05. And the degree of relative effectiveness of using video clips on listening comprehension was 19.45% more effective than teaching listening comprehension in a conventional way. It also happened to the listening for finding specific information. The students’ score that was taught using video clips on listening comprehension achievement especially for finding specific information was 21.95 % higher than those who were not taught by using video clips. But in listening for finding general information, the result of this research showed that there is no significant effect of teaching listening by using video clips. The value of significant column of t-test table by using SPSS of listening for finding general information was lower than 0.05. Based on the explanation above it was concluded that; there is a significant effect of using video clips on listening comprehension achievement among eighth grade students of MTsN Jember III in the academic year of 2010/2011, there is a significant effect of using video clips on listening comprehension achievement among eighth grade students of MTsN Jember III in the academic year of 2010/2011, but there is no significant effect of using video clips on listening comprehension achievement among eighth grade students of MTsN Jember III in the academic year of 2010/2011 It is suggested to the English Teacher in MTsN Jember III to use Video Clips when she is teaching Eighth Grade classes especially for listening activity. It is also suggested to further researcher to conduct study case research in order to invesigate the causal factors why there was no effect of using video clips on listening comprehension especially for finding general information in this research.en_US
dc.subjectVideo Clips, Listening Comprehension Achievementen_US

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