The Effect of Using Songs on The Listening Comprehension Achievement of The Seventh Grade Students
Learners usually study a foreign language –especially English– by doing
something enjoyable such as reading English magazines and newspaper, watching
English program in television, listening to English program on radio, and listening
to English popular songs. This statement is supported by Nababan and Utami
(1992) who stated, “The use of media such as tape recorder, English laboratory,
film, video and radio including songs could help the students in learning English
to reach the intended purpose”. Those media can be used in collaboration with the
regular instructional materials. One kind of the media that can be used in
improving learners’ English proficiency is song. It occupies a main part as
expression of thought and feeling and it is predominantly image driven, especially
through the subject matter of the lyrics, live performances, music, videos and
other forms of exposure which makes it favorable and unfavorable to whomever
the listener is (Kerrie, 2006). According to the result of a research conducted by
Haghverdi (2014), the implementation of song and movie in junior high school
used in the study has a significant effect on student's language achievement in
their listening, reading, vocabulary and grammar. A research done by Shahsavari
and Nastaran (2014) showed that teaching grammar or vocabulary through songs
brought about considerable improvement in the oral fluency. So, using song can
improve the leaners’ language achievement especially in English as a foreign