Speaking skill is one of the language skills that is considered as a productive
skill. The main purpose of teaching speaking is to help students have good ability to
communicate the ideas or opinions in spoken language. In fact, many students of
university level find that speaking is one of the difficult skills. Whereas, speaking a
foreign language is one of the challenging activities to enter the global era. Therefore,
we should have good creativity in teaching speaking for students as our young
generation. One of the strategies to solve this problem is by applying media in
teaching learning process of speaking.
This Classroom Action Research (CAR) with Cycle model was applied in this
research. The action was intended to improve the students’ speaking 2 achievement
through picture jigsaw at the Islamic University of Jember. This classroom action
research was conducted in two cycles, in which each cycle covered four main stages
of activities namely; preparation of the action, implementation of the action, class
observation and evaluation, data analysis and the reflection of the action. Then, each
cycle was conducted in three meetings, two meetings for the action and one meeting
for the speaking test. The primary data about the students’ speaking achievement
were gained from the speaking test that was done after the actions in each cycle and
class observation of each cycle were over. Meanwhile, the supporting data were got
from interview and documentation. The actions were considered successful as 75% of
the students did each indicator of observation stated in the checklist and the mean
score of the speaking test was at least in the good category 70.
From the results of classroom observation in Cycle I, it was known that there
was 60% (9 students) of 15 students who were actively involved in the teaching
learning process of speaking in the first meeting and there was 73,3 % (11 students)
who were actively involved in the teaching learning process of speaking in the second
meeting. This condition showed that the percentage of students’ involvement in the
teaching learning process of speaking in Cycle I had achieved the target of this
research that is ≥75% of the students were actively involved in the teaching learning
process of speaking. Meanwhile, the results of students’ speaking test that was done
after the actions in Cycle I showed that there was 60 % (9 students) of 15 students
who got score 70 and the mean score was 70. Therefore, it could be concluded that
Cycle 1 was not successful because it did not achieve the target required of product
evaluation that is 75% students got score 70 or more. Therefore, the actions in Cycle I
was continued to the next cycle by revising some aspects in Cycle I. In the revision,
the researcher and the English lecturer changed the topic given.
From the results of classroom observation in Cycle 2, it was known that there
was 73,3% (11 students) of 15 students who were actively involved in the teaching
learning process of speaking in the first meeting and there was 80 % (12 students)
who were actively involved in the teaching learning process of speaking in the second
meeting. This condition means that the percentage of students’ involvement in the
teaching learning process of speaking in Cycle 2 achieved the target of this research
that is ≥75% of the students were actively involved in the teaching learning process
of speaking. Meanwhile, the results of students’ speaking test that was done after the
actions in Cycle 2 showed that there was 80 % (12 students) of 15 students who got
score 70 and the mean score was 70. Therefore, in could be concluded that the
implementation of the action in Cycle 2 could improve the students speaking
achievement and the students’ active participation.
This success was caused by the teaching learning process of speaking that had
used media (Picture Jigsaw). Moreover, the results of this research also supported the
previous research finding by Liswiadji (2000) who reported that the use of pictures
(including picture jigsaw) could give significant effects to the students’ achievement.
Based on the result above, it was concluded that the use of Picture Jigsaw as
teaching media in teaching learning process of speaking could increase the students’
speaking 2 achievement and the students’ active participation. Then, it was suggested
to the speaking lecturer to use picture jigsaw as the alternative of speaking media in
teaching learning process in order to improve the students’ speaking achievement
since the picture jigsaw could facilitate the students to speak more in an interesting
way and to keep their mind active with their imagination. Therefore, the students
could be more motivated in their speaking class.