Pengaruh Pemberian Teknik Relaksasi Benson Terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan Pasien Pre Operasi Katarak di RSD dr. Soebandi Jember
Pre operative is a process that can cause anxiety. The body’s response toward
anxiety can complicate the intraocular lens installation during cataract surgery.
The research aimed to analyze the influence of the Benson relaxation technique
towards anxiety level of pre operative patients with cataract in RSD dr. Soebandi
Jember. The method used in this study was quasy experimental with pretest and
posttest design with control group. The sampling technique used quota sampling
with 24 respondent, devided into 2 groups: experimental group and control group.
Data was analyzed by using dependent t test and independent t test with the
significancy level of 95% (α = 0,05). The research result showed that p value of
dependent t test in treatment group was 0,001 and 0,139 in control group, while p
value of independent t test was 0,002 (p < α; α = 0,05). The result of this study
showed the effectiveness of the Benson relaxation technique to reduce anxiety level
of pre operative patients with cataract in RSD dr. Soebandi Jember. Benson
relaxation technique inhibited sympathetic nervous activity and make body muscles
become relaxed, so that Benson relaxation technique could be used as an
alternative treatment to reduce anxiety level of pre operative patients with cataract.
Benson relaxation technique are not preferably administered to elderly patients.
We suggested that can choose another surgery that has a hospital admission longer
so that can apply the relaxation more than once
- UT-Faculty of Nursing [1564]