Protest of Singaporeans Toward Indonesian Forest Fires Through Parody Song “Haze so Susah”
In this thesis the researcher reveals the message of parody song Haze So
Susah, the motivation and the ideology of composer, Alvin Oon, and The causes
of forest fires by human errors. The research of this thesis uses Fairclough
Critical Discourse Analysis theory consisting of three dimensions.The first,
textual dimension reveals the message of parody song lyrics of Haze So Susah by
using systemic functional grammar particularly transitivity system. The second,
discourse dimension including text production, distribution and consumption
reveals motivation and ideology of composer. The last, socio-cultural dimension
reveals human error causes of forest fires.
The parody song lyrics of Haze So Susah have 29 clauses devided into
clause simplex and clause complex. The analysis result of clauses in systemic
functional grammar, transitivity on the process and participants and protest
expressions. They have material, relational. Mental and existential process.
Relational process reaches 14 processes out of 29 processes. It turns out that
relational process is the dominant process. The second dominant process is
material process with 7 processes. The next process is mental process with 5
processes. Other process occurs as 2 processes for existential process. Based on
the analysis, verbal and behavioral process does not occur in the lyrics of “Haze So
The result of transitivity analysis also concerns on the participants of the
processes. They are I, Haze, My throat, You, the air, my nose,everything, my life
and it. The number of carriers in Relational process reach 14 participants out of 27
participants. It turns out that carrier is the dominant participant. The second
dominant participant is senser with 6 participants. The next participant is actor
with 5 participants. Other process occurs as 2 participants for existent participant.
The last, This parody song tells ecological or environmental problem that make Singaporeans protest. The protest is in a package of parody song Haze So Susah
including some expressions of complaint, frustration, surrender and hope.
However, this message of protest does not make anyone offended since the lyrics
are unique, funny and entertaining. Finally, The message of this parody song is do
not make destruction on the earth, since it will make people trouble and always
keep our earth harmony, it will make us safe and peaceful in life
The researcher deeply interviewed the composer of parody song “Haze So
Susah”, Alvin Oon, about text production and distribution. The researcher deeply
interviewed the composer of parody song “Haze So Susah”, Alvin Oon, about text
production and distribution. The interview was held through social-media
particularly fb messenger due to the distance of countries, Indonesia and
Singapore. It was on November 22nd , 2016, November 24th, 2016, February 26th,
2017, September 28th, 2017 and October 8th, 2017. , The motivation of Alvin Oon
in composing the parody song “Haze So Susah” is to entertain Singaporeans those
were suffered from haze covering their country because of Indonesian forest fires.
Alvin Oon has the ideology of social humanism especially ecological humanism
or environmental humanism and local wisdom lover since he really cares of
Singaporeans suffered from haze or health isue and he loves his local wisdom by
promoting peranakan culture through the parady song “Haze So susah”. Being
with his ideology and considered the representative of Singaporeans, Alvin Oon
also expresses their protest implied on “Haze So susah” toward Indonesian forest
fires. The composer, Avin Oon, needs media to make his ideology more legal and
to distribute it. He uses one of mass media, youtube, for up loading his parody
song “Haze So susah”. He uses youtube for distributing his creative art and
legalizing his ideology since it is more simple, practical and cheaper than
recording in the studio, on air, or show on the stage. The audiences in the whole of
the world can enjoy his production as long as they have internet connection.
Moreover, they are able to share and connect to other people in the world.
The researcher can conclude that the human error causes of forest fires in
Indonesia. The first, There is lenient or unstrict government regulation of burning
forest for palm oil area in Indonesia. The second, capitalists or big foreign companies support local people or their workers to burn the forest due to profit
- MT-Linguistic [66]