The research was entitled " Analisis Faktor-faktor pendukung segmentasi
pasar produk Indosat ". The purpose of this research is to analyze the factors to be
supporting Indosat product market segmentation based on product attributes and
to determine Indosat existing product brands in each segment. The data used are
primary data that is taken by way of distributing questionnaires to the respondents
and secondary data obtained from the Internet, literature and research
terdahulu.teknik puposive sampling sampling using a sample of as many as 80
people. Analysis tool used is cluster analysis with two methods namely K-Means
Cluster and Cluster Hierarchy. Based on the results of cluster analysis with KMean
Cluster method, obtained results that market segment Indosat product
market in the town of Jember are three clusters, namely: cluster 1 is concerned
with attributes of respondents who rate the phone, SMS and internet tariffs so that
cluster 1 could be named "Cluster tariff "with the number of respondents as many
as 30 people (37.5%), cluster 2 is concerned with respondents who attribute the
signal strength and speed of access so that cluster 2 may be named" cluster
Quality "by the number of respondents were 13 people (16.25%), cluster 3 is the
respondents who are concerned with service attributes MMS, Video Call, and
Balance Transfer so called "cluster feature / service" by the number of
respondents as many as 37 people (46.25%). While cluster analysis using Cluster
Hierarchies method obtained results that there are three groups of products Indosat
namely: Group 1 includes brand Mentari and IM3, Matrix group 2 includes brand
and group 3 includes brand StarOne. The grouping is based on the level of
similarity between the products of Indosat.